Responding to Complaints from Kondangjajar Village Residents, IPB University Students Introduce Biofloc System Tilapia Cultivation

Responding to Complaints from Kondangjajar Village Residents, IPB University Students Introduce Biofloc System Tilapia Cultivation

Tanggapi Keluhan Warga Desa Kondangjajar, Mahasiswa IPB University Kenalkan Budi Daya Nila Sistem Bioflok
Student Insight EN

Responding to complaints from catfish farmers in RW 08 Kondangjajar Village about the results of tilapia sales that were not as expected, IPB University’s Innovation Thematic Real Work Lecture (KKNT) students provided a solution. This was done by socializing the biofloc cultivation system for tilapia to a group of fish farmers in Kondangjajar Village, Cijulang District, Pangandaran Regency, West Java.

Tilapia is one of the most widely cultivated fish species because it can grow in limited land and water sources and has a relatively easy cultivation method. However, novice farmers often complain that the proceeds from tilapia sales are not worth the capital required, due to the voracious nature of tilapia. In addition, farmers also often face problems such as fish that are susceptible to disease and have a low appetite.

“Based on these problems, KKNT Innovation IPB University students from the Aquaculture Technology and Management Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science conducted a socialization of the use of probiotics in the biofloc system to increase the productivity of tilapia yields,” said Aqila Fadiya Irawan, KKNT Innovation student of Kondangjajar Village.

Aqila explained that fish farming with the biofloc system is a fish farming system that utilizes good microorganisms in fish farming media. Some of the benefits of the biofloc system include being able to maintain water quality, suppress toxic compounds, and suppress the development of harmful pathogenic bacteria so as to increase crop productivity and production cost efficiency.

“The socialization activity on the use of probiotics in the biofloc system in catfish farming was conducted at the house of the Chairperson of Cikaler Hamlet who is the Chairperson of the Mina Mandiri fish farmer group. This activity involved fish farmers and farmers in Cikaler Hamlet as participants,” said Aqila.

She hopes that the socialization activity can be a solution in tilapia cultivation and can improve the welfare and income of the farmers. “The counseling activity on tilapia farming ended with the socialization of the Digitani application to community representatives,” she added. (*/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)