IPB University Faculty of Science Holds IPB D1 IPB Chicken Breeding Certification Workshop

IPB University Faculty of Science Holds IPB D1 IPB Chicken Breeding Certification Workshop

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Gelar Workshop Sertifikasi Pemuliabiakan Ayam IPB D1 IPB

IPB University’s Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) held an IPB D1 chicken breeding certification workshop at the Aston Hotel, Bogor. This event lasted for two days (5-6/8) with workshop activities on the first day and document preparation on the second day.

The Dean of FAS IPB University, Dr Idat Galih Permana, expressed several hopes regarding this breeding program. “The hope is that it can be developed and accepted by the community with an internal strategy, namely adopting a breeding system and renovating cages,” he said.

“People are increasing their consumption of local chicken because dependence on purebred chicken is currently quite high, so people can consume more animal protein,” he continued.

But on the other hand, he said, there are also challenges that must be faced, namely how the product can be disseminated in the community, so that the existence of IPB D1 chicken can be widely known. “In the future, it will not be about competing with existing local chickens, but spreading it to the public to provide information so that it is better known. It will be launched to the public and is expected to comply with standards so this certification is needed,” he concluded.

This workshop presented several speakers. First, Prof Cece Sumantri explained the beginning of the development of local superior IPB D1 broiler breeding based on local resources.

“IPB D1 chickens were developed since 2010 with the advantages of fast growth, resistant to salmonella and tetelo/ND diseases, adaptive to management and use of local feed up to 40 percent. The taste of the meat is tender and specific, like free-range chicken,” he explained.

Next, Firmansyah Budiyanto, SPt, MSi from the Directorate of Animal Breeding and Production, Directorate General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health (Ditjen PKH) of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) was present to deliver material regarding the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for local chickens.

“SNI for local chicken is a technical standard document and is the only instrument that has legal force,” he said.

Firman also explained the benefits of SNI for local chicken for producers, namely encouraging the creation of products with certain standards which can only be produced if production meets certain conditions. However, the implementation of SNI is voluntary except for the need to protect public interests. Apart from that, several stages of formulation, reference documents and several requirements related to SNI were presented.

Dr Tike Sartika, a researcher from the Livestock Research Center continued the material with the theme of forming and breeding local Indonesian chickens. Dr Tike explained a lot about local Indonesian chicken species from their history to the present.

“Local chickens in Indonesia are derivatives of Indonesian red jungle fowl which have been contaminated from local Chinese and Indian chickens. Indonesia is one of the centers for chicken domestication in the world,” she explained.

In the second session, Rofii, SPt, MSi as Chair of the Poultry and Various Livestock Group, Directorate of Animal Breeding and Production, Directorate General of PKH Ministry of Agriculture delivered material with the theme ‘Local Chicken Breeding Development Policy. The session ended with a presentation by Dr Sri Subekti from R&D Charoen Pokphand regarding the Outlook for the Indonesian Local Chicken Feed Industry. (Fapet/Rz) (IAAS/ASD)