IPB University KKNT Students Educate Residents on Livestock Maintenance Management and Animal Health

IPB University KKNT Students Educate Residents on Livestock Maintenance Management and Animal Health

Mahasiswa KKNT IPB University Edukasi Warga Mengenai Manajemen Pemeliharaan Ternak dan Kesehatan Hewan
Student Insight EN

IPB University students who are running the Innovation Real-Thematic Work Lecture (KKNT Inovasi) provide counseling on livestock maintenance management and animal health to livestock groups in Gowak Village, Lasem District, Central Java.

The counseling was attended by livestock groups from several hamlets, namely Tritis, Sidorejo, Gowak, Kalilo, Punggur, and Mbebeg. Through this work program, KKNT students provide insight and education through material presentation and direct practice to provide free treatment in several livestock pens assisted by drh Erdyanti Permatasari, MP, Lasem sub-district veterinarian from the Agriculture and Food Service Office of Rembang Regency. 

Gumilar Karya Nugraha, one of the Gowak Village KKNT Team, presented material on the management of livestock maintenance and animal health such as seed selection, feed, housing systems, breeding, health maintenance, and marketing. 

“Maintaining the cleanliness of the cage is the most important thing in maintaining the health of livestock. Dirty cages can be a place for germs to grow which can cause disease in livestock,” said Gumilar.

The event was followed by a question and answer session which was also accompanied by drh Dian. The participants who attended the event enthusiastically asked various questions, especially related to disease treatment and also the productivity of livestock. 

Basar, one of the farmers in Gowak Village, asked about how to distinguish between animals that are in heat or sick. Dr Dian explained that this can be distinguished from the mucus secreted from the animal’s genital opening. 

“Animals in heat produce thick clear mucus, while yellow or greenish mucus indicates infection and pus buildup in the reproductive tract. It is important for farmers to keep their hands and equipment clean before using them on animals, especially on parts that can be an entry point for germs into the body of livestock,” she explained.

The activity continued with PMK vaccination as well as free vitamins and deworming to livestock in Gowak Village, especially in Kalilo and Tritis hamlets. Dr Dian, accompanied by village officials and the KKNT IPB University team, went around the village to reach livestock cages. This activity is important considering the value of livestock to their owners and to prevent disease outbreaks in livestock.(*/Lp) (IAAS/HLF)