Strictly Against Individuals who Injure Academics, This is IPB University’s Steps in Ensuring Quality Assurance

Strictly Against Individuals who Injure Academics, This is IPB University’s Steps in Ensuring Quality Assurance

Tegas Terhadap Oknum yang Cederai Akademik, Ini Langkah IPB University dalam Memastikan Jaminan Mutu

IPB University has always been highly committed to implementing quality higher education. To date, IPB University is institutionally accredited ‘Superior’. Of the 166 study programmes, almost 60 per cent are accredited ‘Excellent’ by BAN-PT and LAM. S1 study programmes that have been internationally accredited reach more than 40 per cent by various world-renowned accreditation agencies (RSC, ASIIN, IABEE, IMAREST, IFLA etc.). Others are still in an ongoing process.

Prof Agus Purwito, Secretary of IPB University said, “Various quality assurance efforts undertaken by IPB University will close the gap of academic unprofessionalism and governance in the field of education which is becoming increasingly transparent and accountable. In the end, the educational process at IPB University can be trusted by the public, and produce quality graduates.”

Against the existence of unscrupulous academics who take actions that are contrary to quality commitments, IPB University has and will take firm action. “There is no tolerance for disgraceful actions that can harm the academic quality at IPB University,” said Prof Agus Purwito.

IPB’s commitment is realised by the existence of one of the quality assurance institutions which is now called the Office of Quality Management (KMM) of IPB University.  Chief of KMM IPB University, Dr I Wayan Nurjaya explained, the main task of KMM is to ensure that the process of Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) through the cycle of determination, implementation, evaluation, control, improvement (PPEPP), the quality of education at IPB University runs well in accordance with national standards (National Higher Education Standards/SN Dikti) and standards set by IPB University itself.

Routinely, each study programme at IPB University (D4, S1, Professional Education, S2 and S3) annually fills in the SPMI form, then evaluated through an internal audit mechanism. Academic internal audits are conducted by internal auditors who have competence as academic auditors, with a cross audit method (across study programmes). ‘The audit results then become input for continuous improvement,’ explained Dr Wayan.

Furthermore, he explained that the quality assurance of IPB University is carried out in stages. Starting from the study programme/department level (Quality Control Group), faculty/school level (Quality Control Group), and KMM at the IPB University level. Communication between KMM, GPM, and GKM, ensures that the educational process runs well and according to the set standards.

External Quality Assurance System (SPME) or accreditation is also an effort to maintain the quality of education. ‘Currently, 100 per cent of multistrata study programmes at IPB University are nationally accredited, and 25 undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral study programmes are internationally accredited,’ he explained.

As part of the SPMI process, Dr Wayan said, IPB University conducted an evaluation of learning through the Evaluation of the Teaching and Learning Process (EPBM). EPBM is carried out 4 times in one academic year, namely each in the middle and end periods of odd and even semesters. Aspects assessed by students in EPBM include courses, lecturers, and learning environment infrastructure facilities at IPB University.

“These results are used to evaluate and improve academic services in the next academic year,” he said.

In addition, there are various standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the learning process so that student academic achievement is easily monitored and measured.

According to Dr Wayan, the tiered quality assurance process starting from GKM, GPM, to KMM, ensures that the internal process of IPB University runs well. IPB University also conducts internal audits regularly, assisted by nearly 300 internal auditors who are ready to be assigned by the institution.

In addition, the SPMI process at IPB University is one of the important points in accreditation. Externally assigned assessors, both from the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) and the Self-Accreditation Agency (LAM), will always clarify the implementation of SPMI at IPB University, including internal audits. (Rz) (IAAS/RUM)