DPMA IPB University Holds Workshop Young Agripreneur Camp: Inspiring Students to Become Successful Agripreneurs

DPMA IPB University Holds Workshop Young Agripreneur Camp: Inspiring Students to Become Successful Agripreneurs

DPMA IPB University Gelar Workshop Young Agripreneur Camp Menginspirasi Mahasiswa Menjadi Agripreneur Sukses

The Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University provides opportunities for students to have practical experience in becoming agripreneurs through debriefing and mentoring from expert practitioners in the agro maritime field, namely in the Young Agripreneur Camp (YAC) program.

This workshop presented alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University as a resource person, Pramita Nurillisan, SE. She delivered material about student innovation in developing local superior products.

Pramita is an alumnus who has received many awards in the field of entrepreneurship and has her own brand which is still running. This workshop was held to inspire YAC participants to be able to have their own business while being a student.

“Our job as students is to use our strengths to develop local products. For example, by helping the community in distributing and improving the quality of their products, such as raw materials or more attractive packaging,” Pramita said.

She said there are several things that can be done to develop local products, namely through improving the skills and knowledge of the community in managing products and introducing products more widely.

“Students can use design thinking to find solutions. The stages include empathize (observe and find problems), define (analyze and define the main problem), ideate (think creatively for solutions), prototype (make a model of the idea), and test (develop the model based on user input),” she said.

Paramita continued, “Aspiring entrepreneurs can use the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to simplify business creation. BMC helps determine partners, main activities, business benefits, consumer relations, market segments, assets, distribution channels, costs, and sources of income.”

This workshop is expected to increase the entrepreneurial interest of students, especially YAC participants, by overcoming the fear of starting a business and showing the many opportunities available. (*/Lp) (IAAS/Ard)