Congratulations! Prof Dr Hardinsyah Elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees of IPB University for the 2024-2029 Term

Congratulations! Prof Dr Hardinsyah Elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees of IPB University for the 2024-2029 Term

Selamat! Prof Hardinsyah Terpilih Jadi Ketua MWA IPB University Periode 2024-2029

Professor Hardinsyah, a distinguished member of the Faculty of Human Ecology, has been elected as the Chair of the Board of Trustees (MWA) of IPB University for the 2024-2029 term. The appointment was made during the inaugural plenary session of the MWA IPB University for the 2024-2029 period, held in the MWA IPB Meeting Room, Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor, on July 18th.

The session also saw the election of Dr Walneg S Jas as the Vice-Chair and Dr Rinekso Soekmadi as the Secretary of the MWA IPB University for the 2024-2029 period.

In his remarks, the newly elected Chair of MWA IPB University for 2024-2029, Prof Dr Hardinsyah, stated, “We must continue to advance IPB University through general policies based on statutes so that IPB University becomes more progressive and meaningful in the international arena.”

He emphasized that adhering to the statutes as a guideline ensures that the development of IPB University aligns with international standards, thereby enabling it to compete on a global scale.

“Through close collaboration, every organ (MWA, Academic Senate, Rector, and Council of Professors) at IPB University can support and learn from each other. This cooperation will be a valuable experience and an important lesson for all parties at IPB University, fostering mutual growth and achieving shared goals,” he said during the handover ceremony from the outgoing Chair of MWA IPB University for 2019-2024 to the incoming Chair of MWA IPB University for 2024-2029 at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor, on July 18th.

The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria, expressed his appreciation to the MWA IPB University for its advice and direction over the years. Each year-end report, the Rector receives direct guidance from the MWA to achieve the vision of IPB University.

On this occasion, he also highlighted the importance of steering IPB University towards becoming a global leader in innopreneurship by 2027.

“IPB University already has the vision of techno sociopreneurship. This vision asserts that IPB University can generate innovations that impact economic and social progress. I hope the new MWA IPB University will continue to oversee this journey,” he stated.

Prof Ujang Sumarwan, Chair of the Academic Senate of IPB University for the 2024-2029 term, also expressed gratitude to the leadership of IPB University present at the MWA handover ceremony.

“Alhamdulillah, the election of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary of MWA has gone smoothly. We hope that the future MWA will bring IPB University to greater heights in various aspects. With the new MWA leadership, it is expected that various issues can be addressed more effectively, elevating IPB University to a higher level,” he conveyed.

Prof Tridoyo Kusumastanto, Chair of MWA IPB University for the 2019-2024 term, remarked that leadership transitions are crucial for institutions. Additionally, the tradition of cooperation, synergy, and upholding ethics and norms of goodness are essential pillars for IPB University that must be maintained.

“The campus’s internal environment must be well-preserved to enhance the social capital commitment that has long been established. IPB University overcomes various challenges through synergy among its organs. The expectation for the new MWA is to continue and strengthen this tradition,” he said. (IAAS/RUM)