LKST IPB University Holds Training for Tenants of Business Incubation Programme 2024

LKST IPB University Holds Training for Tenants of Business Incubation Programme 2024

LKST IPB University Gelar Pelatihan Tenant Program Inkubasi Bisnis 2024

The Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University held a training for tenants of the Business Incubation Programme Fiscal Year 2024 at the IPB International Convention Center (15/7). The training with the theme ‘Production Technology and Business Management’ was opened by the Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika Budi Laconi.

In her speech, Prof Erika gave three moral messages in running a business. “A successful business must prioritise timeliness, quality, and compliance with regulations,” she said.

Prof Erika said timeliness is useful to ensure efficient operations and customer satisfaction. Consistent quality also creates customer trust and loyalty. Regulatory compliance is to maintain business reputation and avoid legal sanctions.

“By focusing on these three aspects, businesses can achieve competitive advantage, increase productivity, and create long-term value. Long-term success depends on the integration of timeliness, quality, and regulation,” she said.

Prof Erika added that IPB University plays a role in providing education and facilitation, as well as encouraging the growth and development of participants after participating in this programme.

“As a community-owned institution, IPB University is always present and provides benefits for all. Hopefully, this business incubation programme can strengthen the role of IPB University in creating new entrepreneurs and improving community welfare through innovation and collaboration,” she said.

Assistant of Business Incubation Division of LKST IPB University, Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi reported that this activity was attended directly by 25 startups from Bogor City/Regency, Cianjur, and Bekasi. According to her, the business incubation programme activities showed important achievements in fostering and developing startups.

“During the programme, participants receive training, intensive guidance, mentoring, coaching, access to resources, and an extensive professional network. The incubation programme will end with Business Matching and Product Expo,” he said.

The training presented three speakers who are competent in their fields, namely Dr Tjahja Muhandri (Lecturer at the Department of Food Science and Technology, IPB University), Delli Gunarsa (CEO of Rumah Kemasan, Tangerang), and Dea Nadila (Founder of 4WOffice).

Dr Tjahja, lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University, Dr Tjahja Muhandri explained about quality management and food safety. He explained that the concept of quality management and food safety is important to ensure safe and quality products.

“I hope the young generation will be independent, resilient, and agile in facing challenges. It is important to understand that products must be made according to the needs and desires of consumers, not based on what we want,” he said.

Present at the event was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rumah Kemasan Tangerang, Delli Gunarsa, who spoke about packaging design and marketing strategies for business products. Another speaker, Founder of 4WOffice, Dea Nadila also explained about business legality and product distribution licences.

The training was closed by Prof Rokhani Hasbullah as Vice Chief of Business Incubator and Industrial Partnership. In his closing remarks, Prof Rokhani reminded the importance of implementing a system to ensure quality, safety and halalness and being consistent in carrying out work procedures according to the SOP. This, he said, will make it easier for businesses to obtain product distribution permits.

“To increase product competitiveness, packaging plays a very important role and is very helpful in marketing products. Packaging does not just protect what will be sold, but sells what it protects. Hopefully, this training can increase the capacity of tenants in managing their business and succeed in the market,” he said. (dr/stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)