A Total of 4.998 Prospective Students Take IPB University Mandiri Examination

A Total of 4.998 Prospective Students Take IPB University Mandiri Examination

Sebanyak 4.998 Calon Mahasiswa Ikuti Ujian Mandiri IPB University

IPB University conducted a mandiri admission test or IPB Mandiri Selection (SM-IPB). The exam was held online on Sunday (30/6). This year, as many as 4.998 participants took the SM-IPB undergraduate program exam to compete for the remaining available admission quota. Information on the selection results of the SM-IPB pathway will be announced on July 10, 2024.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana said, “The admission of new students through the SM-IPB undergraduate program has two options, either using the Computer-Based Written Test (UTBK) score or through an exam.”

Furthermore, he said that IPB University had made preparations for the implementation of the exam pathway, such as providing briefings and guidance to participants to prepare devices and exam systems through telegram groups. For the smooth running of the exam, the committee also conducted a trial one day before the exam.

“In total, IPB University accepts 7,940 students overall. IPB Mandiri Selection gets a quota of 30 percent,” said Prof Deni.

He explained that in the implementation of the mandiri exam, there is no significant difference with the previous year. However, according to the national policy of the National Selection of New Student Admission (SNPMB) committee, this year students who have been accepted through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) and have registered, cannot take the independent route because it will be locked in the system automatically. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/EXC)