Inaugurating 16 Structural Officials, Rector of IPB University: Commitment is the Key to Building Character

Inaugurating 16 Structural Officials, Rector of IPB University: Commitment is the Key to Building Character

Lantik 16 Pejabat Struktural, Rektor IPB University: Komitmen Menjadi Kunci Untuk Membangun Karakter

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria inaugurated 16 structural officials within IPB University. The inauguration was held at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor on 28/6.

“Congratulations to the officials who have been inaugurated, by having a new position we must continue to strive to reach the peak we want to achieve. We have to change our character, not just survive but create new peaks,” said Prof Arif.

He said, with a new position there will be a bigger target and the demands will be higher. “So commitment is the key to building character and maintaining strengths and abilities that can make us a person who is focused on the future and achievement,” he said.

According to him, IPB University has currently occupied the position of the best university in the world but ranking is not everything, the most important thing is real work that can form a new reputation for IPB University. “IPB University is currently in the process of developing university so we need a good reputation in order to build a wide network with other universities,” said Prof Arif.

He continued, in August IPB University will host the University Forum so IPB University needs to have a global target by creating a new mindset.

“The School of Data Science, Mathematics and Informatics has the opportunity to build a more agile and efficient system. The Faculty of Medicine is an opportunity to show us as a trendsetter. This is a new opportunity for us to become a global university,” said Rector of IPB University.

He revealed that internationalization has become a necessity so that IPB University needs to spread investment by attracting at least 5 percent of foreign students to study at IPB University.

“All of you must always be healthy, because what we do today is the first step to start a new target. Love what we do so that we can work wholeheartedly,” said Prof Arif. (IAAS/Aly)