IPB University Students Help Sukajadi Village Become an Entrepreneurial Village Through Land and Water Quality Surveys

IPB University Students Help Sukajadi Village Become an Entrepreneurial Village Through Land and Water Quality Surveys

Mahasiswa IPB University Bantu Desa Sukajadi Menjadi Desa Wirausaha Melalui Survei Lahan dan Kualitas Air
Student Insight EN

Sukajadi Village seeks to become an entrepreneurial village by utilizing supporting natural resources, such as large areas of land and 15 springs. However, this availability does not guarantee good quality for cultivation, so land suitability surveys and water quality checks need to be carried out.

Therefore, students who are members of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University survey land and water in Sukajadi Village, Taman Sari District, Bogor Regency

The survey was carried out in two villages, namely in Kokoncong Village and Cisasah BL Village, where IPB University students aimed to discuss and encourage the community to cultivate tilapia. This invitation aims to educate the public about the process of cultivating tilapia, the results of which are in great demand in the market.

Not only talking and giving invitations to the community, the Ormawa Himakua 2024 PPK implementation team also conducted a survey of ponds in the two villages. Several aspects are the focus of the survey starting from pond size, pond substrate, to water quality which can be analyzed further. The condition of the ponds in the two villages has generally been used for cultivating tilapia, but there are still problems that have not been resolved.

“Pests and food are still obstacles that I cannot overcome, and I also don’t know the quality of the water,” said Herman, a resident of Cisasah BL Village. This statement encouraged the Ormawa Himakua 2024 PPK team to thoroughly check water quality, because the available water will determine the appropriate cultivation method. (*/Lp) (IAAS/ASD)