IPB University and PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Hold the Launch and Book Review of “Between Grasberg and Arafura”

IPB University and PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Hold the Launch and Book Review of “Between Grasberg and Arafura”

IPB University Gelar Peluncuran dan Bedah Buku “Antara Grasberg dan Arafura”

PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) in collaboration with IPB University held a Book Launch and Review of ‘Between Grasberg & Arafura’, at IPB Dramaga campus, Bogor, 26/6. The book is a popular science book written by Dr Rusdian Lubis, an environmental practitioner who has spent four decades in academia and mining.

Rector of IPB University Prof Dr Arif Satria in his speech conveyed that the book launching activity was one of the efforts to provide understanding to students and the public related to Papua’s biodiversity.

“This book is very interesting, a book related to research conducted by Pak Rusdian, an executive professional who has an academic character, which is immortalised in book form. This event documentation is able to document thoughts that can provide added value for readers. I really appreciate this work, not only writing all the species, the Latin terms are complete, a very interesting popular scientific book,” he said.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi welcomed the launch and book review. He said that IPB University not only focuses on agriculture, but is also strong in the environmental field. “IPB University is in the 200th position in the world of universities in the field of environment, and pioneered the establishment of the oldest environmental study centre,” he said.

Through popular science packaging, the 254-page book is expected to bring readers closer to the rich biodiversity of Papua, especially in the PTFI operating area that stretches from the coast to the Alpin Mountains in the highlands of Mimika Regency, including the cultural wisdom of the local community.

Rusdian revealed that Papua Island has high biodiversity. “Located between two continents, Asia and Australia, Papua’s geography and geology produce a mosaic of unique and complex ecosystems, making the island have a diversity of flora and fauna including thousands of endemic species found nowhere else on the planet. Virgin rainforests, mangroves, and highland ecosystems are home to birds of paradise, tree kangaroos and countless other plant species,” he said.

He said one of my main challenges in writing this book was accuracy and translating scientific concepts in a popular way.

“I am grateful to PT Freeport Indonesia for supporting the publication of this book. I hope this book can educate the public to continue to recognise the natural richness of Papuan culture and PTFI’s commitment to biodiversity conservation in Indonesia,” said Rusdian.

In this book review activity, there were three speakers, Dr Gesang Setyadi VP Environmental PTFI, Prof Dr Dwi Listyo Rahayu International Expert on Crustaceans BRIN, Prof Dr Charlie Heatubun Chief of Regional Research and Innovation Agency West Papua Province. Dozens of undergraduate students from across generations, doctoral programmes and lecturers attended this relaxed and interactive event.

Prof Dwi Listyo Rahayu, usually called Yoyo, said the narratives in this book were easy to understand and educative. “This book is a popular scientific book that is very educative, able to provide an overview of the rich biodiversity in the PTFI area. After reading this book, I got to know more about forest ecosystems and lichens,” she said.

In line with Prof Yoyo, Prof Charlie also appreciated that the book “Antara Grasberg dan Arafura” has the potential to be more than just an ordinary book. According to him, the cultural wisdom dimension in the book is very good because there is scientific information that is very relevant to be followed up in order to preserve and manage wisely for the benefit of mankind and the earth in the future. “This book can be a communication tool between the scientific world, practitioners and the government,” said Charlie.

PTFI’s Vice President Environmental, Dr Gesang Setyadi, said that as one of the companies operating in a location with mega biodiversity, PTFI always carries out environmental policies, one of which is to contribute to biodiversity conservation. “We actively partner with various institutions and researchers to document the results of research and writing into books to enrich the treasures of the biodiversity book series in Papua,” Gesang said.

One of the book review participants, Nabila Zulfa from the Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University, said the book review event was very useful. In addition to getting to know the island of Papua and PTFI better, she was also able to share experiences of the interaction between the Papuan people and their nature. (IAAS/RUM)