Hold Student Debriefing, Ormawa Fahutan IPB University Ready to Empower Villages through PPK Ormawa Programme

Hold Student Debriefing, Ormawa Fahutan IPB University Ready to Empower Villages through PPK Ormawa Programme

Gelar Pembekalan Mahasiswa, Ormawa Fahutan IPB University Siap Berdayakan Desa Melalui Program PPK Ormawa

This year the ormawa at the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University again participated in the Student Organisation Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) by proposing three proposals and funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek).

For this reason, Fahutan IPB University conducted training and debriefing to organise the strategy of the PPK Ormawa implementation team to go to the village for the next 3 months. The training was held on Monday, 24/6.

The three ormawa teams are Forest Management Science Club (FMSC) from the Department of Forest Management, Himakova from the Department of Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism (KSHE) and Tree Grower Community (TGC) from the Department of Silviculture.

The activity was opened by the Assistant Director of Student Affairs in the field of Reputation Development and Student Achievement of IPB Univeristy, Dr Syaefudin. “The PPK Ormawa programme is one of the events in stimulating ormawa members to be able to impact and empower the village,” he said.

He hopes that PPK Ormawa activities can be a bridge for the community to optimise potential and solve problems in the village with innovative programs made by ormawa. “This is also in line with the purpose of PPK Ormawa which certainly has a direct impact and influence on the village community,” said Dr Syaefudin.

“Don’t make Abdidaya the main goal, Abdidaya is a bonus for all of you. Make the momentum of this service solely to carry out what is the role of students in society. Keep the good name of the institution and your good name in the community,” he said.

Furthermore, the training and debriefing activities were filled with exposure to the results of the analysis from the PPK Ormawa coach as well as one of the national judges at the PPK Ormawa 2024 event, namely Ir Mintarti, MSi.

She explained that the motivation of the implementation team must be in line with the motivation of Ormawa. “In addition, there are other prerequisites if our goal is Abdidaya, one of which is a form of support from the faculty such as this training,” said Mintarti.

“Ethics and manners in service are important, make the community comfortable with us and visit when there are activities in the village even if they are activities that are not in line with the programmes we have arranged because this will certainly build community trust in us,” she said.

Muhamad Rizki Hadi who is one of the leaders of the PPK Ormawa implementation team explained, “This training and debriefing is very important for us because we really need a space to discuss to provide input on the programmes we design in the village. (*/Lp) (IAAS/RSL)