IPB University and South Barito Regency Government Strengthen Cooperation, Educate the Nation’s Children through BUD Scholarships

IPB University and South Barito Regency Government Strengthen Cooperation, Educate the Nation’s Children through BUD Scholarships

IPB University dan Pemkab Barito Selatan Perkuat Kerja Sama, Cerdaskan Anak Bangsa Lewat Beasiswa BUD

In order to develop human resources (HR), the District Government (Pemkab) of South Barito, Central Kalimantan recently carried out cooperation with IPB University marked by the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in the Rector’s Conference Room, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

This MoU signifies a joint commitment to strengthen cooperation in the fields of education, research, community service, and the application of innovation. IPB University as one of the universities, is obliged to embrace the regions and companies in developing human resources.

Responding to the expected cooperation, the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was followed by a discussion related to the Regional Envoy Scholarship (BUD) led by the Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof drh Deni Noviana.

“We are very proud and welcome very well to jointly educate the children of this nation. Each region can propose its delegates to be selected with the existing scheme through the BUD pathway,” said Prof Deni.

“IPB University even has a mentoring programme, a study clinic for BUD recipients, so that the needs and potential in the regions will also be adjusted to the 43 undergraduate study programmes at IPB University,” said Prof Deni.

Regent of South Barito, Deddy Winarwan also expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support of IPB University. The reason for his desire to cooperate with all universities in Indonesia is because South Barito Regency has great resources, but is constrained by education and health problems.

“Ironically, there is one sub-district that does not have a doctor. The population of South Barito is small, but we must not forget that we must protect all Indonesians. How can we protect in the health sector if there are no doctors? How can we protect the people in the education sector if there are no scholarships?” Said the Regent of South Barito, Deddy Winarwan.

“Therefore, we hope that this cooperation can help improve the welfare of the people of South Barito, especially in the field of education,” said Deddy.

The Board of Trustees of the Association of Indonesian Regency Governments (Apkasi), Sokhiatulo Laoli welcomed this cooperation and is ready to support the Apkasi programme in the field of Education. The programme has been raised in several regions and received support including from South Barito Regency.

“We have heard reports that South Barito Regency both outside and locally has prepared full funding. So we thank you for the support for this programme and hopefully other regions will follow the example of what has been done by Barito Selatan Regency,” Said the Regent of South Barito, Deddy Winarwan.

Present at this event were Prof Iskandar Z Siregar (Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations), Dr Ibnul Qayim (Head of the Sustainable Campus Development Board), Noening Koesoemowardhani, SPt, MSi (Assistant Director of Institutional Collaboration Division), IPB University BUD team, and Apkasi team. (HR/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)