Increasing the Number of Patents, IPB University Holds Training and Assistance in Drafting Intellectual Property Documents

Increasing the Number of Patents, IPB University Holds Training and Assistance in Drafting Intellectual Property Documents

Tingkatkan Jumlah Paten, IPB University Gelar Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Dokumen Kekayaan Intelektual

In order to increase the number of patents, IPB University through the Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) held Training and Assistance for the Preparation of Intellectual Property (IP) Documents at the IPB Innovation Convention Centre (IICC), Bogor (24/6). This activity aims to provide knowledge about the IP system and produce IP documents in accordance with applicable regulations.

Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi mentioned, “IPB University is currently training 25 participants for the startup programme. The result of this activity is a prototype that can be placed in the LKST office. Use this opportunity as well as possible in order to form a startup in the future. Happy working,” she said.

Vice Chairman of LKST IPB University in the field of Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Dr Tri Prartono in the meeting introduced the profile of LKST IPB University. He said that LKST is an institution in charge of commercialising inventions at IPB University. These inventions are commercialised because they are funded by the state and the inventor has the rights to the resulting industry.

“LKST IPB University plays an important role in this process, with the main function as a bridge for technology transfer, helping researchers bring innovations to the market, and as an incubator that supports the licensing of innovations to industry,” he said.

Furthermore, Dr Tri said that currently IPB University has intellectual property as many as 745 copyrights, 38 plant variety protections (PVP), 6 industrial designs and 78 brands. IPB University also has 992 patents, with 348 patents granted and disseminated in 2024.

According to him, this intellectual property is very useful for the academic community of IPB University, especially for the assessment of lecturer performance both within IPB University and in the assessment of institutional accreditation and study programmes.

“Drafting intellectual property documents is an important skill that not everyone has. We provide mentoring to help students and researchers in this process. Please come to LKST IPB University to get further guidance,” he said.

Dr Tri hopes this effort can bring great benefits and motivate more academicians, especially IPB University students to be interested in the development and downstreaming of innovation products.

“This step is the beginning of a long journey in utilising intellectual property for the common good and increasing the competitiveness of institutions and graduates in the national and international arena,” he said.

Assistant for Management and Commercialisation of Intellectual Property of LKST IPB University, Dr Yuni Puji Hastuti said that IPB University’s intellectual property target in 2024 is to produce 100 patents and 250 other intellectual properties.

She explained that the strategy of drafting patents and simple patents includes aspects of novelty, originality, and global nature. In addition, patents must also contain inventive steps and practical development of existing products or processes.

“The government through the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation (Permenkumham) Number 38 of 2018 concerning patent applications also stipulates the minimum requirements for patent applications, namely patent registration forms, patent specifications, and application fees,” she said.

Furthermore, Dr Yuni said in drafting claims on patents, claims can be in the form of independent claims or derivative claims. Claims must be expressed clearly and consistently with the core of the invention, and supported by a description that cannot be broader than the claim.

“The claim must also constitute a unity of the invention. Hopefully, a well-crafted patent claim can provide optimal legal protection for the inventor,” she said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)