Engulfed in a Tearful Atmosphere, IPB University Releases 182 Batch 4 PMM Students to Their Home Universities

Engulfed in a Tearful Atmosphere, IPB University Releases 182 Batch 4 PMM Students to Their Home Universities

Diliputi Suasana Haru, IPB University Lepas 182 Mahasiswa PMM Batch 4 ke Perguruan Tinggi Asal

A total of 182 students from various universities in Indonesia have completed the Independent Student Exchange (PMM) program batch 4 in 2024 at IPB University. Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) program, which was attended by students from 48 universities, was carried out for five months since being accepted on January 24, 2024.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana officially released hundreds of students to their respective universities. The release of PMM batch 4 was conducted in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), IPB Dramaga Campus (23/6). Tears of emotion from the participants, lecturers of the Nusantara Module supervisor, and the program implementation team surrounded this event.

“Every meeting has a farewell. But behind that, of course what has been done at IPB University gives colour to you, gives something that may be different from what you have got during your respective universities. Hopefully that colour or something is a good thing,” said Prof Deni.

Prof Deni advised that the good things during PMM batch 4 at IPB University should be brought and developed in their respective universities. If necessary, it should be conveyed to other students who will follow the next batch of PMM.

“If there is something that may not be good, be it service or other, convey it to us to make improvements. If there is something good, convey it to prospective students of PMM batch 5, PMM batch 6, and so on so that the good values at IPB University are distributed more widely and more to students,” he said.

The Executive Coordinator of PMM batch 4 IPB University, Dr Utami Dyah Syafitri said, PMM batch 4 IPB University students had carried out many activities for 16 weeks, both academic activities and Nusantara Module.

“For academic activities, most of the PMM batch 4 students take the number of semester credit units (SKS) between 16-20 SKS, including the Nusantara Module. We hope that these credits can be equalised in their respective places because it is the output of the Independent Student Exchange (PMM),” she said.

Dr Utami assessed that the PMM program is very good for students to get to know cultural diversity in Indonesia while enriching insights from different universities. She hoped that the learning experience for five months at IPB University would give an impression to PMM batch 4 students.

“During one semester here, hopefully it will bring positive things for you. Please if the positive things are transmitted to your fellow students in the early students. If there is anything negative, please convey it to us as an evaluation material for all of us,” said Dr Utami to PMM batch 4 IPB University students. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)