IPB University Vocational School Sstudent Gets Internship Opportunity at PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro through MSIB program

IPB University Vocational School Sstudent Gets Internship Opportunity at PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro through MSIB program

Mahasiswi Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Raih Kesempatan Magang di PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro Lewat Program MSIB
Student Insight EN

Siti Aminah, a student of the Accounting study program of IPB University Vocational School, took advantage of the Internship and Certified Independent Study Program (MSIB) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) to gain knowledge and experience in the world of work.

She had the opportunity to intern at PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, which is one of the agribusiness companies in the field of plantations and palm oil mills, with the position of Accounting Officer.

This program provided Siti with the opportunity to improve her competence with practical insights into company operations, especially in the field of accounting.

She learned various things, ranging from journaling, preparation of financial statements, bank reconciliation, to audit reviews for the issuance of audited financial statements. Not only that, Siti also learned to use SAP (System Analysis and Product in Data Processing) to record all transaction activities and company business activities.

” During my internship as an Accounting Officer, I was able to apply the knowledge I gained on campus and also gain new knowledge that I did not get on campus,” said Siti.

She also gained new experiences in her involvement in the book closing report activities at the end of each month, where she was able to make financial reports belonging to small-scale subsidiaries. “At the end of each month, I am given the opportunity to make financial reports for small-scale subsidiaries,” said Siti.

This valuable experience not only increased Siti’s theoretical knowledge, but also improved her communication skills in the world of work, teamwork, and problem solving in overcoming problems faced during the internship.

The MSIB program, according to Siti, really helped her in preparing herself to face the challenging and dynamic world of work. (GBD/ASW/Lp) (IAAS/ZQA)