Hosting LIDM 2024, IPB University Student Team Wins Third Place in Educational Digital Video

Hosting LIDM 2024, IPB University Student Team Wins Third Place in Educational Digital Video

Jadi Tuan Rumah LIDM 2024, Satu Tim Mahasiswa IPB University Raih Juara 3 Video Digital Pendidikan

IPB University successfully hosted the Student Digital Innovation Competition (LIDM) organised by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) through the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), National Achievement Center (Puspresnas).

The event took place on (9-12/6), attended by hundreds of students from various universities throughout Indonesia. This year, LIDM carried the theme “Tracing Indonesia’s Education Journey Building Foundation for an Excellent Future through Digital Literacy”.

Director of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education Kemdikbudristek, Prof Sri Suning Kusumawardani, expressed her appreciation for the implementation of LIDM in 2024 at IPB University.

In her remarks, she emphasized that education is inseparable from innovation. According to her, educational innovation can have a positive impact on society.

“LIDM plays an important role in reforming movers in the field of education which is driven by the Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM) program,” said Prof Sri Suning at the peak of the LIDM event at the IPB Dramaga Campus, (12/6).

Furthermore, the Chief of the National Achievement Center, Dr Maria V Irene Herdjiono, hopes that the innovation from this LIDM can be used personally for students and learners in the future. “Take advantage of this time to collaborate and achieve as much as possible,” she said.

On the same occasion, Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Dr drh Deni Noviana stated, “All LIDM participant students will become better national leaders than us. Hopefully this LIDM activity can be a means of collaboration in implementing innovations that can improve Indonesia’s development.”

Director of Student Affairs IPB University, Dr Ujang Suwarna added, each team has struggled to create innovations with high creativity in the field of education. “All teams are champions because honesty is the champion,” he said.

The peak of the event was marked by the announcement of the winners from various categories that were contested. In the LIDM 2024 competition, one IPB University student team won third place in the Educational Digital Video category. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)