Strengthening Forestry and Agribusiness, IPB University Collaborates with ST Bhinneka, Medan

Strengthening Forestry and Agribusiness, IPB University Collaborates with ST Bhinneka, Medan

Perkuat Bidang Kehutanan dan Agribisnis, IPB University Jalin Kerja Sama dengan ST Bhinneka, Medan

In order to strengthen the field of forestry and agribusiness, IPB University established cooperation with Satya Terra Bhinneka University (ST Bhinneka). The signing of this cooperation was carried out at IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor on 19 June.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar warmly welcomed the arrival of the ST Bhinneka delegation. “Welcome to IPB University, one of the best agricultural campuses in Indonesia,” he said. Prof Iskandar hoped that this collaboration would be able to strengthen collaboration and share benefits better.

“IPB University has an Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP), a facility designed to support learning and research in agribusiness. The ATP is expected to produce graduates who are competent and ready to compete in the global agribusiness industry,” said Prof Iskandar.

Furthermore, he said that abroad there is Earth University in Costa Rica, a campus that manages its life needs organically and sustainably.

“All energy and food at Earth University are produced from the campus’ own resources. IPB University plans to conduct a comparative study there to study its sustainability model,” he said.

ST Bhinneka Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Rin Rin Meilani Salim, SKom, MKom was very grateful for the welcome from IPB University. She explained that the ST Bhinneka campus consists of four faculties and six study programmes, and has 1,649 students.

“The Faculty of Medicine has a D3 Midwifery Study Programme; the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry with S1 Agribusiness and S1 Forest Management Study Programmes; the Faculty of Economics and Business with S1 Entrepreneurship and S1 Digital Business Study Programmes; and the Faculty of Technology and Computer Science with S1 Informatics Study Programme,” said vice rector Rin Rin Meilani Salim.

Furthermore, Rin Rin also said that the reason for the establishment of the Agribusiness and Forest Management Study Programmes is a form of ST Bhinneka’s commitment to sustainability with mandatory Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) courses in all study programmes.

She said that ST Bhinneka has also won the Climate-U international event from University College London, UK for SDGs module development.

“We also promote inclusivity and research, with lecturers trained to be ready to go into the field and have a strong and research foundation to go international,” said Rin Rin.

This activity was also attended by representatives of IPB University including Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik; Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment, Prof Naresworo Nugroho; Directorate of Collaboration, Dr Jaenal Effendi; and Head of Agribusiness Department, Dr Burhanuddin. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)