Prodi Magister Ilmu Gizi SPs IPB University Initiates Cooperation with UPM to Discuss Dual Degree Program

Prodi Magister Ilmu Gizi SPs IPB University Initiates Cooperation with UPM to Discuss Dual Degree Program

Prodi Magister Ilmu Gizi SPs IPB University Inisiasi Kerja Sama dengan UPM Bahas Program Dual Degree

The Master of Nutrition Science (GIZ) Study Program of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a Dual Degree program cooperation initiation with the Graduate Program of Nutrition Science, Fakulti Perubatan and Sains Kesihatan, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

In addition, the GIZ master program which is a program under the Department of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) in this activity also signed an Implementation of Arrangement at the UPM Campus, Selangor Malaysia recently.

Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of Fema IPB University, Dr Megawati Simanjuntak said that Fema strongly supports the initiation of the Dual Degree program initiated by the GIZ master program.

“This program will be an opportunity for students to be able to carry out lectures at two universities, namely at IPB University and UPM. Hopefully the process can run smoothly starting from the course mapping to the mechanism that will be used for this Dual Degree program,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of GIZ Study Program, Dr Eny Palupi explained the progress of Dual Degree program initiation activities with the results of curriculum matrix analysis from each study program and compiled possible variations of study planning for students who would take the program.

“We are also working on the possibility of scholarship funding to join the Dual Degree program. Currently, Indonesia provides scholarships from the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) with a special scheme for dual/join/double degree programs,” she explained.

Dr Eny added that the LPDP scholarship aims to ensure that scholarship recipients can focus on their studies without worrying about the burden of education costs.

“This program will strengthen collaboration between higher education institutions, improve the reputation of institutions and open up wider career opportunities for graduates and by obtaining degrees from two universities, students are expected to be better prepared to face challenges in the international job market,” she added.

The activity was continued by the presentation of Dr Zuraidah Nasution, Secretary of the Department of Nutrition Science. She explained about Fema’s Department of Nutrition Science, starting from the department’s vision and mission, organizational structure and activities carried out by students, as well as discussions and also the signing of the Agreement of Dual Degree Program represented by Dr Megawati Simanjuntak and Prof Loh Su Peng, Chair Department of Nutrition UPM. (SAR/HBL/Lp) (IAAS/Hap)