IPB University and University of British Columbia Summer Course 2024 Successfully Held, This is What Lecturers and Students Say

IPB University and University of British Columbia Summer Course 2024 Successfully Held, This is What Lecturers and Students Say

Summer Course IPB University dan University of British Columbia 2024 Sukses Digelar, Ini Kata Dosen dan Mahasiswa

Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik officially closed the Summer Course 2024 program attended by Economics students of IPB University and the University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada, Friday (31/5).

Summer Course is an educational program held during the summer vacation. The collaboration program between Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University and University of British Columbia (UBC) lasted for a month from early May 2024. Summer Course participants attended lectures on the topic of Impact Evaluation Analysis and field trips to several programs fostered by IPB University.

“I appreciate the presence of UBC students. We can learn from their seriousness in implementing this program. So, the students are very extraordinary in analyzing the situation and conditions that exist in the area which is the place of their field study,” said Dr Irfan.

According to Dr Irfan, this Summer Course activity has a positive impact on the discussion experience of IPB University students with University of British Columbia (UBC). With different backgrounds, students are able to provide solutions to the fundamental problems faced by the community.

“I hope that next year the number of students participating in this activity from our side can be increased, so that my target is one on one. This year only two students from us participated, while from UBC there were 25 students,” he said.

As a participant, IPB University Economics student, Fathan Ramadian Sidik gained valuable experience during the Summer Course program with UBC students. He did not waste the opportunity as evidenced by his activity during the program.

“It was a very valuable experience for me. I really felt like a University of British Columbia (UBC) student. My friends and teachers from University of British Columbia (UBC) were very supportive, encouraging us to always actively ask questions. I am very happy, they are very kind to us,” said Fathan.

UBC lecturer, Prof Sean Holowaychuk said, IPB University’s collaboration with University of British Columbia (UBC) in the Summer Course program has been going on for 10 years. This collaboration is very beneficial for both parties.

“Previously only UBC benefited, but over time this became beneficial for both parties, because IPB University students were also involved in this activity so they got new knowledge and new information,” said Prof Sean.

Prof Sean was very impressed with the Summer Course program, especially during the presentation and discussion sessions between students, both IPB University and University of British Columbia (UBC). Students were very active in conveying ideas and solutions to problems faced by the community.

“The most memorable thing for me is when I see a presentation and we can dialog together about the topic, because everyone in the room can discuss freely about the topic presented,” he said. (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)