IPB Subang Innovation Village Successfully Delivered 100 Tons of Superior Rice Seeds to Outside Java

IPB Subang Innovation Village Successfully Delivered 100 Tons of Superior Rice Seeds to Outside Java

Kampung Inovasi IPB Subang Berhasil Kirim 100 Ton Benih Padi Unggul ke Luar Jawa

IPB University for the first time delivered 100 tons of rice seeds produced by IPB Subang Innovation Village. In the first shipment, the superior rice seeds of the Inpari 32 variety were successfully sent outside Java, precisely Sumatra and Central Sulawesi.

The first delivery event (9/6) was attended by Prof Suryo Wiyono (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture IPB University), Batara Siagian (Director of Processing and Marketing of Food Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture), representatives of the Directorate of Food Crops Seeds, Subang Regional Government (Pemda), West Java Seed Supervision and Certification Center (BPSB), IPB Subang Alumni Association (HA), Compreng Sub-district Chairman, CV Sari Bumi Nusantara, CV ABM and the farmers.

IPB Subang Innovation Village is located in Kiarasari Village, Compreng District, Subang Regency, West Java. Started in 2021, innovation is the result of cooperation between IPB University, CV Sari Bumi Nusantara, IPB Subang Alumni Association and Kiarasari Village Government. Along the way, IPB Subang Innovation Village also received support from the Subang Agriculture Office and was designated as a model for developing sustainable modern agriculture.

“The uniqueness of IPB Subang Innovation Village is that it has three main components, namely the application of modern rice technology, upstream-downstream integration, and implementation in the area,” said Prof Suryo Wiyono, Dean of Faperta IPB University.

He explained that the rice technology applied is a combination of green technology and precision-automation technology which is the result of IPB University research. The green technology applied is bioimmunization, biointensive integrated pest management (IPM) and reduced pesticide use.

“The automation / precision technology applied is precision fertilization, harvest automation, pest and disease forecasting and biopesticide application with drones,” said this Professor of Faperta IPB University.

Prof Suryo said that IPB Subang Innovation Village is a real action of IPB University in answering the challenges of food needs. “This was proven in the harvest of the first planting season (MT1), increasing rice productivity by 32 percent in an area of 500 hectares,” he said.

In addition, IPB Subang Innovation Village is also a model of partnership between academics, industry, government, and society. Often, he said, in agriculture, examples of such real partnership models are difficult to find. “The IPB Subang Innovation Village model is ready to be expanded on a national scale,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)