Let’s Take a Peek at PPM Activities from 17 Study Programmes of IPB University Vocational School in Mulyaharja Village

Let’s Take a Peek at PPM Activities from 17 Study Programmes of IPB University Vocational School in Mulyaharja Village

Yuk Intip Kegiatan PPM dari 17 Program Studi dari Sekolah Vokasi IPB University di Desa Mulyaharja

IPB University Vocational School affirms its commitment in carrying out the tridharma of higher education, one of which is through Community Service (PPM) activities.

Mulyaharja Village will become a social laboratory with the presence of students, lecturers, and alumni from 17 study programmes of IPB University Vocational School. This activity takes place from April to November 2024, with various innovative and sustainable programmes ready to help improve the quality of life of the villagers.

Chairman of the PPM field of IPB University Vocational School, Dr Doni Sahat Tua Manalu explained that this programme was designed to create synergy between academics and the community.

“This collaboration not only provides practical solutions but also empowers village communities to become more independent and innovative in managing their village potential,” Dr Doni said.

Activities of 17 study programmes for Mulyaharja Village
1. Digital Communication and Media (KMN) Study Programme
The KMN study programme will provide digital communication training to groups of farmers and tourism managers. This training will help them utilise social media and digital technology for promotion and marketing.

2. Ecotourism Study Programme (EKW)
EKW focuses on English communication and service excellence training for tourism managers. This is expected to improve the quality of tourism services and attract more visitors.

3. Software Engineering Technology (TPL) Study Programme
The TPL study programme will develop a mobile-based cashier application and financial administration system for Mulyaharja Tourism Village, to improve the efficiency and transparency of financial management.

4. Accounting Study Programme (AKN)
AKN Study Programme collaborates with TPL Study Programme in developing financial information systems. They also provided training on good financial management to the tourism village managers.

5. Computer Engineering Technology (TRK) Study Programme
This programme involves training on the use of dry leaf choppers and waste management solutions for the tempeh industry to support local agriculture.

6. Environmental Engineering and Management Study Programme (LNK)
The LNK study programme will provide training on waste management and the implementation of a prototype drum for the utilisation of tempe waste into liquid fertiliser.

7. Supervisor of Food Quality Assurance (SJMP) Study Programme
This programme will provide training on good food production methods, as well as quality improvement and packaging design for organic rice.

8. Chemical Analysis Study Programme (ANKIM)
The ANKIM study programme will collaborate with the SJMP study programme to ensure the safety and quality of food products, especially organic rice, are free from pesticide residues.

9. Food and Nutrition Services Industry Management (GZI) Study Programme
The GZI field will assist local craftsmen in branding and commercialising products through education and mentoring.

10. Seed Industry Technology (TIB) Study Programme
The TIB study programme will provide training in hydroponic and tabulampot techniques to increase plant production.

11. Fish Hatchery Technology and Management (IKN) Study Programme
The IKN field will focus on potential mapping and training in the cultivation of consumer fish and ornamental fish.

12. Animal Technology and Management Study Programme (TNK)
The TNK study programme will conduct training on goat and sheep management, as well as animal health control.

13. Veterinary Paramedic Study Programme (PVP)
The PVP Division will provide training on animal health control to improve livestock production and health.

14. Plantation Production Technology and Management (TMP) Study Programme
The TMP study programme will provide training on avocado plantation maintenance using techniques that meet good agricultural practice (GAP) standards for sustainable productivity.

15. Agribusiness Management Study Programme (MAB)
The MAB study programme will focus on helping shoe and sandal craftsmen in production planning and better packaging.

16. Industrial Management (MI) Study Programme
The MI field collaborates with MAB in increasing the value of local micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through innovations in packaging and marketing.

17. Production Technology and Agricultural Community Development (PPP) Study Programme
The PPP team utilises yard land with crop cultivation, giving a positive impact on local food security.

With various excellent programmes from each field of study, Mulyaharja Village will now have a great opportunity to develop further. This PPM activity from IPB University Vocational School not only provides short-term benefits but also paves the way for sustainable development and improved quality of life for the village community. (ASW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)