Enhancing Vegetable Business Ecosystem, DPMA IPB University Ready to Facilitate Assistance for Cianjur Farmers

Enhancing Vegetable Business Ecosystem, DPMA IPB University Ready to Facilitate Assistance for Cianjur Farmers

Perkuat Ekosistem Bisnis Sayuran, DPMA IPB University Siap Fasilitasi Pendampingan bagi Petani Cianjur

The Directorate of Agro Maritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University team visited four partner farmer groups in Cianjur 2024 on (3-4/6) in the framework of the Astra Prosperous Village programme. This visit intends to take a closer look at the various potentials owned by the farmer groups and explore the cooperation mechanism that will be established to improve the wellbeing of the village.

During the visit, the DPMA IPB University team was greeted enthusiastically by the farmers who were eager to show their superior commodities. On this occasion, the team interacted directly with the farmers, observed the cultivation process, and discussed various challenges faced in agricultural development.

“Seeing the enthusiasm and potential of the farmer groups in Cianjur, we are increasingly convinced that with the right assistance, they can achieve better wellbeing. We had constructive discussions about agricultural development strategies and market conditions for the various commodities cultivated,” said Sarwono, Manager of IPB University’s Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP).

The discussions ranged from important topics such as more efficient cultivation techniques, product diversification, and effective marketing strategies. The farmers also shared their experiences in dealing with various constraints, including price fluctuations and access to markets.

“We hope through this dialogue the best strategies can be found to improve the wellbeing of farmers and strengthen the economic resilience of villages. This programme is a concrete step in a collaborative effort to empower agricultural communities in Cianjur,” added Sarwono.

Astra Prosperous Village Programme is an initiative that prioritises collaboration between various parties to empower village communities. Through this programme, DPMA IPB University is committed to providing the necessary assistance and facilitation so that farmer groups can develop and be more independent.

With this concrete step, DPMA IPB University hopes to create a stronger vegetable business ecosystem in Cianjur. The assistance provided will not only help improve the production and quality of agricultural commodities, but also open wider market access for the farmers.

This visit marks the beginning of closer cooperation between DPMA IPB University and farmer groups in Cianjur. It is hoped that, through the established synergy, the wellbeing of the village community can be significantly improved and provide a sustainable positive impact. (*/Rz) (IAAS/STD)