Achieving the Most Funding, 19 IPB University PPK Ormawa Teams are Ready to Plunge into the Community

Achieving the Most Funding, 19 IPB University PPK Ormawa Teams are Ready to Plunge into the Community

Raih Pendanaan Terbanyak, 19 Tim PPK Ormawa IPB University Siap Terjun ke Masyarakat

IPB University became the university with the most funding achievements in the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) in 2024. Of the 622 teams that celebrated funding, there were 19 PPK Ormawa IPB University teams that passed funding by involving 285 students from various faculties/schools.

“Congratulations to 19 ormawa IPB University who successfully passed the funding,” said Vice Rector of IPB University in the field of Education and Student Affairs, Prof. Deni Noviana during the Initial Meeting of PPK Ormawa Team at Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga, Bogor (4/6).

“Happy learning and continue to develop brilliant ideas during the implementation of the program. And the most important is the program that is able to give impact and change in the community,” said Prof Deni.

PPK Ormawa is a community service and empowerment program designed and carried out by ormawa. This year, there are 2,289 sub-proposals registered to participate in the PPK Ormawa program. The number comes from 359 universities from all over Indonesia.

Initiated by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa), Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Dikti), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), this program is one of the implementations of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) to foster a sense of caring for students to contribute in the community.

Chairman of Student Affairs of IPB University in his report explained, before entering the funding selection stage at the national level, IPB University conducted coaching and selection in Semarak Bina Desa activities. A total of 48 ormawa service ideas were successfully submitted which then received coaching and proposal coaching with the coaching team.

“Of the total applicants, a selection process was carried out to obtain the 20 best proposals that were registered to the national level on March 19, 2024. These best teams won funding totaling 693 million rupiah,” he said.

Also present at the inaugural meeting were Dr Syaefudin (Assistant Director of Reputation and Student Achievement Development), Vice Deans of Faculties/Schools, the Directorate of Community Development and Agromaritime team, Service Supervisors, and Supervisors of the PPK Ormawa Team.

Here are the 19 PPK Ormawa IPB University Teams that passed the funding:
1. BEM Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science
2. BEM Faculty of Agricultural Technology
3. BEM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
4. BEM Faculty of Human Ecology
5. Student Association of Communication Sciences and Community Development (Himasiera)
6. Animal Husbandry Production Student Association (Himaproter)
7. Forest Resource Conservation Student Association (Himakova)
8. Soil Science Student Association (HMIT)
9. Geophysics and Meteorology Student Association (Himagreto)
10. Fisheries Resource Utilization Student Association (Himafarin)
11. Technology and Marine Science Student Association (Himiteka)
12. Family and Consumer Sciences Student Association (Himaiko)
13. Tree Grower Community (TGC)
14. Forest Management Student Association (FMSC)
15. Animal Nutrition and Food Student Association (Himasiter)
16. Nutrition Student Association (Himagizi)
17. Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua)
18. Fishery Product Technology Student Association (Himasilkan)
19. Agricultural Technology Student Association (Himateta)