IPB University Vocational School Students Give Counselling on Rice Stem Borer Pest Control in Karang Tengah Village

IPB University Vocational School Students Give Counselling on Rice Stem Borer Pest Control in Karang Tengah Village

Mahasiswa Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Beri Penyuluhan Pengendalian Hama Penggerek Batang Padi di Desa Karang Tengah
Student Insight EN

IPB University Vocational School students from the Production Technology and Agricultural Community Development (PPP) Study Programmes held a counselling session in Karang Tengah Village, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java. The activity was attended by 25 farmers.

This activity aims to provide farmers with an understanding of how to control rice stem borer pests. This effort is part of our commitment to increase agricultural productivity and help farmers overcome the problems that often plague their crops.

The rice stem borer pest is one of the serious threats to farmers, which can cause huge losses if not handled properly. Through this counselling, students try to provide concrete solutions and effective methods in controlling the pest.

IPB University PPP lecturer Tri Budiarto, SKPm, MSi, expressed his hope that this counselling could be useful for farmers. “We hope that with the introduction of pest control methods introduced by the students, it can help farmers to get rid of rice borers,” he said.

During the counselling, the students gave farmers an understanding of the characteristics of rice stem borers. By knowing the characteristics of the pest, farmers can more easily detect it in the field.

In addition, the students also explained about biological pest control methods, such as the use of natural enemies of pests, the use of vegetable pesticides, and environmentally friendly cropping patterns. This approach aims to reduce the use of chemical pesticides that have the potential to damage the environment.

Proper cultivation techniques were also the focus of this counselling. Students provided explanations on ways to grow rice that can reduce the risk of pest attacks, such as the selection of pest-resistant rice varieties, crop rotation, and maintenance of the surrounding environment.

Not only providing information on how to control pests, students also taught farmers about the importance of conducting regular monitoring of the presence of pests on their farms. One of the methods taught is the making of conservation barns to know when the pests will hatch.

Through this extension activity, IPB University Vocational School students hope to make a real contribution in increasing agricultural productivity and the welfare of farmers in Karang Tengah Village.

With the knowledge and skills they share, it is hoped that farmers can better face the challenges of rice stem borer pests and successfully increase their yields. (*/ARK/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)