IPB University’s Student Team Reveals Potential and Challenges of Bogor Bean Cultivation in Karanganyar Village

IPB University’s Student Team Reveals Potential and Challenges of Bogor Bean Cultivation in Karanganyar Village

Tim Mahasiswa IPB University Ungkap Potensi dan Tantangan Budidaya Kacang Bogor di Desa Karanganyar
Student Insight EN

As we know that Bogor nuts have health benefits, especially for children’s growth and development. IPB University Heykaboo team held a meeting with the President of Karanganyar Village, Nandi Sunandi, to discuss the cultivation of bogor beans which is the mainstay of the Karanganyar Village community on 22/5.

Nandi Sunandi explained that many people in Karanganyar village are farming Bogor beans because of the availability of large land for planting. “Many people in our village farm bogor beans, because there is plenty of land for planting, and the largest land is in Puncak Buluh,” he said.

He also emphasized that planting bogor beans is quite easy and does not require special skills. “People here plant Bogor beans because it is easy to grow and there is land, but they do not have an understanding of the health benefits and nutritional content of Bogor beans,” he explained.

Nandi explained that one of the main problems faced by farmers is that the price of bogor beans often falls during the harvest season. “Many farmers feel sad because during the harvest season, the price of Bogor beans per kilo is very low and is only valued at Rp 2,000/kg. This condition makes many farmers feel underappreciated even though they have worked hard,” he said.

“I hope the local government can pay attention to the bogor bean farmers, starting from logistical assistance, counseling, and most importantly help stabilize the price of bogor beans,” he said.

In addition, Nandi highlighted the importance of counseling from the health department on the nutritional content of bogor beans. According to him, the community is too dependent on food aid from the government such as milk, eggs, and meat to prevent stunting.

“People here rely too much on stunting program assistance from the government such as milk, eggs, and meat,” Nandi explained. He hopes that with the counseling on the nutrition of bogor beans, people can be more aware of the benefits of bogor beans as an alternative source of protein.

He also hopes that counseling on the nutrition of bogor beans can change people’s views and increase the consumption of bogor beans as an alternative protein source. “I hope that if there is counseling on the nutrition of bogor beans, people can consume bogor beans as an alternative protein and can also increase the price of bogor beans themselves,” he said.