Jidan, IPB Vocational School Accounting Student Goes Beyond Comfort Zone in Business Consultant Role through MSIB

Jidan, IPB Vocational School Accounting Student Goes Beyond Comfort Zone in Business Consultant Role through MSIB

Jidan, Mahasiswa Akuntansi Sekolah Vokasi IPB Lampaui Zona Nyaman dalam Peran Business Consultant Lewat MSIB
Student Insight EN

In an effort to produce graduates who are ready to face the challenges of the world of work, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) launched the Certified Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) programme as one of the flagship initiatives of Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM).

This programme is designed to provide students with real work experience and off-campus learning opportunities in a structured and certified manner. One of the participants who successfully took advantage of this opportunity was Muhamad Jidan Kustridana, a student of IPB University Vocational School from the Accounting Study Programme in the 6th semester.

Jidan, as he is usually called, never imagined that he would get out of his comfort zone as an accounting student to try out the dynamic business world. However, his passion for learning and the courage to innovate pushed him to take that big step.

Known for his expertise in finance, financial statements, taxation, financial management, and data analysis, Jidan decided to broaden his horizons. He chose to join the Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association’s MSIB programme as a business consultant.

“My desire to understand more about business processes, micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) finance, as well as effective marketing strategies, encouraged me to take this step,” he said.

As a business consultant, Jidan is faced with a lot of responsibility. He has to maintain relationships with partners and MSMEs, and ensure that the business processes and programmes offered are well received.

“My duties include assisting and conducting socialisation to increase awareness and participation in the programmes that have been realised, as well as ensuring that the needs and expectations of the MSMEs are well met,” he explains.

This experience allowed Jidan to develop many new competencies, especially in communication skills, teamwork, problem solving, and adaptation. Interactions with various parties, ranging from MSME owners, employees, to consumers, made him more confident and skilled in negotiating.

One important aspect of Jidan’s internship journey was the support of his mentor. “Alhamdulillah, I have a mentor who is always willing to discuss business and the challenges faced while assisting MSMEs. My mentor always listens actively and gives full attention to my complaints as a mentee,” added Jidan.

The role of mentors, he said, is very significant in developing his competence, as well as helping to hone practical skills that are invaluable for his future career.

‘The courage to start is the first step to success, because every great journey begins with one small step,’ Jidan enthuses.

The MSIB programme not only offers practical experience, but also equips students with skills that match industry needs. Combining theory and practice, the programme ensures that participants are prepared to enter the workforce with in-depth and relevant knowledge and skills.

Muhamad Jidan Kustridana is a living example of the benefits of the MSIB programme. With a strong spirit and determination, he managed to surpass his limitations, explore new worlds, and is ready to face future challenges with more confidence and competence. The programme continues to prove itself as a flagship initiative that supports students’ skill development and prepares them for future success. (AKI/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)