IKN Study Program of IPB University Vocational School Increases the Potential of Fisheries Cultivation in Mulyaharja

IKN Study Program of IPB University Vocational School Increases the Potential of Fisheries Cultivation in Mulyaharja

Prodi IKN Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Tingkatkan Potensi Perikanan Budi Daya di Mulyaharja

The Study Program (Prodi) of Fish Seeding Technology and Management (IKN) of IPB University Vocational School held a community service activity in Mulyaharja Village, Bogor on Wednesday (5/29). This activity aims to map the potential of local fisheries and provide practical solutions for fish cultivators.

This activity is a follow-up to the visit of the Dean of the Vocational School of IPB University, Dr Aceng Hidayat and the PPM Commission some time ago. This devotion program is also part of the implementation of the research and innovation of the IPB University’s Vocational School which is oriented towards the sustainability and welfare of the local community.

The Chairman of the IKN Study Program, Dr Wiyoto, said that the presence of lecturers in Mulyaharja is a tangible manifestation of the commitment of the IPB University Vocational School to the community. “A number of 9 IPB University Vocational School lecturers who attended had their own expertise. With pleasure, we are ready to help and find solutions to produce sustainability in aquaculture,” he said.

“This activity not only carries out the tridharma of higher education, but also as a downstream of research on campus and opportunities for the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) or the final project of students,” added Ima Kusumanti, MSc as the coordinator of PPM Prodi IKN in between activities.

Meanwhile, the Chief of Mulyaharja Village, Indra Permana, SH, MH welcomed this activity. “This is a golden opportunity for residents to get direct knowledge from fisheries experts from the IPB University Vocational School. We invite the mothers of the peasant women group (KWT) and other fish farming groups to optimise this momentum,” said Indra Permana.

The agricultural extension, Imam Hanafi, also emphasised that the increasing demand for fisheries makes this activity important to increase people’s income. “The demand for fisheries is increasing, and this activity is needed to increase people’s income. Hopefully it will have a positive impact and open discussions and share knowledge,” added Imam Hanafi.

In this direct visit, a focus group discussion (FGD) was also carried out to map the potential of fisheries and the wishes of the community regarding fish farming. One of the lecturers of IPB University Vocational School, Dr Cecilia Eny Indriastuti moderated this discussion effectively. Some of the identified obstacles include feed limitations due to high prices, diseases in fish, and lack of soft skills among power cultivators or KWT.

In addition to the discussion, water quality checks were also carried out in several cultivation ponds, soil sampling, and fish that were indicated to be sick. This step is to confirm the hypothesis against the obstacles encountered. IKN Study Program will provide further evaluation of the results of field trips and sample analysis. Recommendations for the right fisheries potential to be applied as a pilot are the next focus.

The development of this fisheries potential involves the community directly with a holistic and participatory approach, involving stakeholders from local communities, government, academics, to the private sector. It is hoped that this activity will be the beginning to create good fisheries management, environmentally friendly, as a source of sustainable livelihood, and contribute to local economic development as well as national food security. (IKM/ASW/Rz) (IAAS/STD)