SPs IPB University, Ditjen Diktiristek and LPDP Hold Monitoring and Evaluation of KNB Scholarship Students

SPs IPB University, Ditjen Diktiristek and LPDP Hold Monitoring and Evaluation of KNB Scholarship Students

SPs IPB University, Ditjen Diktiristek dan LPDP Adakan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Mahasiswa Beasiswa KNB

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University and the Directorate of Institutions of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) held a monitoring and evaluation (monev) of the implementation of education for international students receiving the Developing Country Partnership (KNB) scholarship.

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University in the field of Resources, Cooperation and Development expressed his gratitude for the presence of representatives of the Directorate General of Diktiristek and LPDP as well as students receiving KNB scholarships. She explained, currently the number of KNB students in 2023 there are 9 people and 11 people are currently completing their studies.

“Currently, KNB students in 2023 have completed the Indonesian language training program for two semesters and will take the Indonesian Language Proficiency Test (UKBI) exam next week,” she said.

She added that SPs IPB University had completed the interview process for prospective students receiving KNB scholarships in 2024. There are 35 prospective students and have been interviewed online on May 17-18, 2024 together with a team from the Directorate of International Education of IPB University.

“From this interview, we want to get prospective KNB students with good quality, so they can attend lectures at SPs IPB University smoothly,” she added.

Coordinator of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) IPB University, Dr Defina said, KNB students in 2023 were taking part in the UKBI simulation as the final part after completing the 600-hour Indonesian language program. Through the simulation, it is hoped that KNB students in 2023 can achieve scores with the title of Semenjana with a score of 405-481.

“The predicate shows that UKBI participants are adequate in communicating using Indonesian, both orally and in writing,” she explained.

Meanwhile, Armaeni, the representative of the Working Team for Institutional Strengthening of the Directorate General of Diktiristek said, the purpose of holding this monev was to see the development of students receiving KNB scholarships of all generations, how to supervise and also manage them while at SPs IPB University.

“KNB students of batch 2023 conveyed that during lectures the Indonesian language class was very active and effective, so that students were already fluent in Indonesian as a provision for attending lectures at IPB University,” he added.

Also present in this activity from SPs IPB University, Rudi Irawan SP, MSi (Chairman of Administration), Fatmasari Siregar, MM (Chairperson of Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admissions Subdivision), Nur Sulianti Suci Pertiwi, SP (Chairperson of Education and Student Affairs Subdivision), Zukhri ALSA Siregar, MM (Chairperson of Personnel and General Finance Subdivision). Also present were the Working Team for Institutional Strengthening of the Directorate General of Diktiristek, Andita Pratiwi and Udin and from LPDP Fatikhah Nurhami. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)