Here’s How Enthusiastic the Cikeas Village Community Attends the Field School of Vegetable Pesticides by IPB University Students

Here’s How Enthusiastic the Cikeas Village Community Attends the Field School of Vegetable Pesticides by IPB University Students

Begini Antusias Masyarakat Desa Cikeas Hadiri Sekolah Lapang Pestisida Nabati oleh Mahasiswa IPB University
Student Insight EN

Students of IPB Vocational School Production Technology and Agricultural Community Development (PPP) Study Program held an activity in the form of “Field School: Demonstration of How to Make Vegetable Pesticides from Papaya Leaves” to Tunas Harapan Farmers Group, Cikeas Village, Sukaraja District, Bogor Regency on 23/5.

The Tunas Harapan Farmer Group has successfully distributed their main commodity, taro, outside Java, but they often face obstacles due to pest attacks. Therefore, IPB Vocational School students took the initiative to organize a field school related to the manufacture of vegetable pesticides from papaya leaves.

The material of the Field School activity of making vegetable pesticides from papaya leaves was delivered by Istiqomatush Sholihah and Ilham Naufal Jasir. The demonstration of how to make vegetable pesticides was directly carried out by Yeheskiel Riando Sianturi and Fariz Moch Rizki and the participant’s representative, Siti Nuryana.

This activity was carried out in order to have a positive impact on farmers in Cikeas Village, especially the Tunas Harapan farmer group, especially in the use of pesticides. It is hoped that this activity can change the paradigm of farmers so as not to overuse chemical pesticides and switch to vegetable pesticides to create healthy and environmentally friendly organic agriculture.

“The extension activities carried out by students in Cikeas Village are an alternative to solving agricultural problems in the community. The approach delivered by students is very interesting so that the community is enthusiastic to participate in the activity,” said Tri Budiarto, as the PPP lecturer.

“Alhamdulillah, the event was fun, there was nothing missing. Very useful especially for those of us who previously knew nothing about this vegetable pesticide. I hope this activity will continue in the future. Continued success for the students.” said Siti Nuryana, a participant in the field school activity.

“With the presence of the students here, we know how to make vegetable pesticides and it turns out that papaya leaves can be used as raw material for making them, it is very easy and the ingredients can be obtained from the surrounding environment,” said Iyos, as Chairman of RW 002 Cikeas Village. (IAAS/FAE)