IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from USU MM Study Programme, Discussing Double Degree Programme

IPB University Graduate School Receives Visit from USU MM Study Programme, Discussing Double Degree Programme

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Terima Kunjungan Prodi MM USU, Bahas Program Double Degree

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University received a visit from the delegation of the Study Program (Prodi) Master of Management (MM) of the University of North Sumatra (USU) at the SPs Building, Campus of IPB Dramaga (22/5). The visit was to discuss the Double Degree (DD) programme and postgraduate academic management at SPs IPB University.

Present in this activity from SPs IPB University, Prof Titi Candra Sunarti (Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development), Rudi Irawan SP, MSi (Chief of Administration), Fatmasari Siregar, MM (Chief of Public Relations, Cooperation and New Student Admissions), Nur Sulianti Suci Pertiwi, SP (Chief of Education and Student Affairs Subdivision), Zukhri ALSA Siregar, MM (Chief of Personnel and General Finance Subdivision). Representatives from MM USU are Prof Meilita Tryana Sembiring (Chief of MM Study Program) and Dr Dini Wahyuni (Lecturer MM USU).

Prof Titi Candra Sunarti said that currently SPs IPB University has 56 master programmes and 43 doctoral programmes and manages the Professional Engineer Programme (PPI) which offers seven engineering fields. In addition, SPs IPB University has several international programmes such as credit earning, summer course, DD, joint degree and others.

“There are several DD programmes funded by agencies, such as the Ministry of Industry, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Employment Social Security Agency (BPJS), the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), as well as financing from the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) and the Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP)”, she said.

Prof Titi Candra added, currently the management of monodisciplinary and oligodisciplinary programmes is carried out by each faculty, while for multidisciplinary programmes it is managed by SPs IPB University.

“There are six multidisciplinary programmes managed by SPs IPB University, namely Agromaritime Logistics (LOG), Small and Medium Industrial Development (MPI), Primatology (PRM), Biotechnology (BTK), Natural Resource and Environmental Management Science (PSL) and Professional Engineer Programme (PPI)”, she said.

Meanwhile, Prof Meilita Tryana Sembiring said that the purpose of making a visit to SPs IPB University was in order to implement one of the MM Study Programmes, namely the DD programme, especially related to the management and components and financing of the DD programme.

“We want to learn from SPs IPB University which already has a DD programme, so that we can run the DD programme correctly and also the academic provisions”, she added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RSL)