Himakua IPB University Hosts Rindu BDP 2024: Stepping Together to Create Future Stories

Himakua IPB University Hosts Rindu BDP 2024: Stepping Together to Create Future Stories

Himakua IPB University Adakan Rindu BDP 2024: Melangkah Bersama Ciptakan Cerita Masa Depan
Student Insight EN

According to the proverb, nostalgia is the strongest medicine that revives memories. That nostalgic atmosphere is what the Aquaculture Student Association (Himakua) of IPB University is trying to revive by holding the Rindu BDP 2024 event at the Sumardi Sastrakusumah Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus.

This event carries the theme ‘Ordinary Steps Create Extraordinary Actions with Sedulur Sepaguyuban’. This theme invites Sedulur Sepaguyuban to take steps to create extraordinary actions together. Rindu BDP was held to re-establish the relationship between alumni and active students. This moment is also a forum for alumni to gather and reminisce about their college days at the Department of Aquaculture (BDP), Faculty of Fisheries and Fisheries Science (FPIK) IPB University.

Rindu BDP 2024 was attended by alumni from various batches, including lecturers, such as Dr Alimuddin, Prof Odang Carman Prof Dedi Jusadi, Dr Julie Ekasari, Apriana Vinasyiam, SPi, MSi and Wildan Nurussalam, SPi, MSi. The event was also enlivened by the arrival of active students who were eager to follow the series of events. During the event, we could see the enthusiasm of the alumni in catching up with each other and chatting with each other.

The nostalgic feel was even more pronounced when the alumni flashback video was shown. This session showed photos of alumni activities when they were studying at the BDP Department.

In the alumni talk session, some alumni shared stories related to the importance of lectures in supporting careers. They also shared tips and tricks for preparing for the post-college world, as well as career experiences.

According to the President of Himakua IPB University, Alfiyanto Firdaus, the Rindu BDP 2024 event became the second year of its implementation. This year, the Rindu BDP event also showed the work and efforts of students, one of which was the BDP Aquatic Expo in the form of an exhibition of ornamental fish and aquascape.

‘BDP Aquatic Expo is the work of Himakua Production Bureau in collaboration with Aquascape IPB Community (AIC). The ornamental fish displayed included discus, arowana, cichlid, goldfish and rainbow fish. The aquascape shown has a nature theme,’ he said.

In addition, the expo was also enlivened by an exhibition of incubators made by the Student Organisation Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) student team in 2023. There is also BDP Smarket, which is aquaculture clothes, merchandise from the Bureau of Business and Partnership of Himakua IPB University.

‘Rindu BDP 2024 is not only present as a place to meet and greet alumni and students, but also provides an overview of how the BDP Department and Himakua are currently. This event is a momentum to highlight the achievements, innovations and enthusiasm that continue to burn in the academic environment of the BDP Department of IPB University,’ explained Alfiyanto.

Through exhibitions, student performances, and various other activities, Rindu BDP 2024 illustrates an unwavering commitment to developing talent and knowledge in the field of aquaculture and strengthening the bonds between all elements involved in the department’s successful journey. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)