This is the concern of IPB University Postgraduate Students in Realising a Balanced Energy Transition

This is the concern of IPB University Postgraduate Students in Realising a Balanced Energy Transition

Ini Kepedulian Mahasiswa Pascasarjana IPB University dalam Wujudkan Transisi Energi Berkeadilan

Expert Staff of the Minister for Energy, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), Prof Haruni Krisnawati invited IPB University to take a role in realising a just energy transition for the sake of sustainable environmental sustainability. This was revealed in the National Seminar of the Postgraduate Student Forum of IPB University which carries the theme of Balanced Energy Transition Strategy in the Transportation Sector, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor (25/5).

Prof Haruni said that the state must guarantee a decent life and environment for its citizens. This became the basis of Indonesia’s commitment in controlling climate change. She revealed that Indonesia is committed to achieving net zero emission by 2060. She said that the transport sector is one of the main contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in the country, contributing around 27 per cent of national emissions.

“To achieve the target in the energy sector, KLHK fully supports new renewable energy. One of the efforts is to encourage Industrial Plantation Forests to become Energy Plantation Forests and utilise water environmental services for micro-hydro Hydropower Plants (PLTA),” she said.

Meanwhile, Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana explained, IPB University has a long-term research agenda that is a priority. This year, he said, IPB University established the International Research Institute (LRI) which focuses on strengthening international research including research in the energy sector.

“Hopefully, the condition of renewable energy can be enlightened. IPB University also develops environmentally friendly energy by building an energy-efficient Faculty of Medicine building, designed with good air circulation and natural lighting. Innovative thinking like this is very beneficial for all parties,” said Prof Deni.

Chairman of the IPB University Postgraduate Student Forum 2024, Deli Wakano, SPd, MSi said the seminar aimed to discuss important issues related to a just transition in the transport sector which is a vital sector in everyday life. He revealed that this energy transition must consider social, economic and environmental justice.

“Students have a moral and intellectual responsibility towards energy. We must find innovations for this sector, which benefit all parties and become the first step towards a significant equitable energy transition,” he said.

Programme Director of Traction Energy Asia, Sudaryadi, SE, MSi said that his party focused on the issues of global warming, climate change, low carbon emissions, clean energy, and maintaining the quality of natural resource capacity. He said IPB University had helped him in drafting a paper related to used cooking oil (UCO) and its prevention practices.

“We hope to get other ideas from this seminar about policy strategies being implemented by the government. We want to discuss with academics through the call for papers, including the institutional aspects. Hopefully this seminar will be useful for energy development in Indonesia,” he explained.

The event was also attended by several speakers including the Coordinator of Bioenergy Engineering and Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia, Efendi Manurung, ST, MT; Lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology IPB University, Dr Edy Hartulistiyoso; Renewable Energy Practitioner PT Dakara Energi Alsintan Indonesia (DEAI), Dr Kiman Siregar; and Traction Energy Asia Practitioner, Regina Muthia Sundari. (dr/ra) (IAAS/RUM)