IPB University Collaborates with DPD RI to Hold Sahih Test Seminar on Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection Bill

IPB University Collaborates with DPD RI to Hold Sahih Test Seminar on Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection Bill

IPB University Gandeng DPD RI Gelar Seminar Uji Sahih RUU Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan

IPB University collaborated with the Regional Representatives Council Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) to hold a seminar on the Sahih Test of the Draft Law (Bill) on the Revision of Law (Law) No. 41 Year 2009 on the Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land. The event was held at the Science Techno Park Building, IPB Campus Taman Kencana, Bogor on 20/5.

This activity was held to ensure that the law is not constitutionally or legally problematic. Sahih Test helps maintain legal stability and certainty for the community. Vice Chairman of Committee II DPD RI, Aji Mirni Mawarni, ST, MM said that one of the legislative institutions in charge of designing natural resource regulations is DPD RI.

He revealed, based on RI Law No.17 Year 2014, DPD RI has the duty and authority to propose, discuss, and oversee the draft bill related to regional autonomy, central and regional relations, formation, expansion, and merging of regions, management of natural resources, and other economic resources.

“The forum that accommodates, improves, and formulates the bill is the Sahih Test. This test will seek the truth of various parties in assessing the elaboration of academic papers and bills on the protection of sustainable agricultural land,” he said.

Aji Mirni Mawarni hopes that this implementation will strengthen and improve the bill and obtain supporting data in improving the academic texts and bills that have been prepared. “The involvement of various experts in this test is one of the steps to support the accountability of truth in the preparation of the bill,” he said.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation, and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi felt proud and honored to be able to collaborate with DPD RI for this seminar. According to him, rural spatial planning establishes eternal food agriculture, while the village area is now concerned with food agricultural land that continues to be converted.

“We have formulated the concept of food security and independence, where security means guaranteed access to food and independence means that we must be self-sufficient. As a big country, we have to be food independent,” he said.

Prof Ernan continued that IPB University, as the first agricultural faculty place, is committed to agro-maritime, a sector of strength. “IPB University is also committed to being the best and has been ranked 51st in the World University Ranking in Agriculture and Forestry. We hope that this nation will excel in the field of food,” he said. (dr/Lp) (IAAS/ZQA)