Improving the Quality of IPB University Vocational Schools, Vice Chancellor Conveys Four Main Points

Improving the Quality of IPB University Vocational Schools, Vice Chancellor Conveys Four Main Points

Tingkatkan Kualitas Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Wakil Rektor Sampaikan Empat Poin Utama

IPB University Vocational School held a Pre-Workshop K2020 Applied Undergraduate Program Block System in the Ballroom of the IPB Taman Kencana Campus Startup Centre Building, 5/17. This pre-workshop involves the presentation of 16 study programmes focussed on the elaboration and refinement of the block system for a more effective and efficient vocational-based education.

Vice Rector of IPB University for Education and Student Affairs, Prof Deni Noviana, conveyed four main points that became the focus of this workshop. First, Prof Deni emphasised the importance of Pre Workshop K2020 Block System as the basic foundation in the digital transformation from D3 program to D4 Applied Undergraduate. He explained that the K2020 Curriculum will be the basis for the development of lecture activities and learning practicums.

“This K2020 Block System Pre-Workshop is the basic foundation for how to digitally transform D3 into D4 Applied Undergraduate. The K2020 curriculum is the basis for the development of lectures and learning practicums. In the future, the workshop must involve partners so that it is in accordance with the needs of the study program,” he said.

Second, Prof Deni Noviana highlighted the Vocational School agenda after the implementation of the K2020 Curriculum, which must prepare for international accreditation. He mentioned that IPB University Vocational School has a great opportunity, considering that the interest for vocational education increases every year.

“Once this block system is complete, we hope IPB University Vocational School can prepare for international accreditation. The opportunity is great, for example this year Vocational School should be proud because there are three study programs that are most in demand at IPB University, namely Digital Communication and Media, Accounting, and Industrial Management,” he explained.

Furthermore, Prof Deni Noviana emphasised the importance of achieving the Main Performance Indicator (IKU), especially IKU 1 which is related to graduates who can work in less than one year after graduating. “We hope that the presence of this curriculum will facilitate the achievement of IKU 1. In the future, the curriculum that is applied will facilitate student work,” said Prof. Deni Noviana.

At the end of his speech, Prof Deni Noviana reminded that the next agenda is to work on the Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) for multi strata, with the greatest potential in the D4 program. “The next agenda is to work on Past Learning Recognition for multi strata, because the biggest potential is D4. It’s a shame if IPB University doesn’t add to the student body, even though we can present the best. Hopefully it can provide good input and the curriculum can be carried out well,” concluded Prof Deni.

Pre Workshops are essential to ensure that the programme of study understands the structure, methods and objectives of the block system. Thus, learning preparation can be done more effectively and efficiently. This activity is expected to make a big contribution in improving the quality of education at IPB University Vocational School. (ASW/ra) (IAAS/IAN)