Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Receives Benchmarking Visit from Musamus University

Faculty of Animal Science IPB University Receives Benchmarking Visit from Musamus University

Fakultas Peternakan IPB University Terima Kunjungan Benchmarking dari Universitas Musamus

Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University received a benchmarking visit from Musamus University (Unmus) Merauke, (17/03). The visiting guests were received directly by the Dean, Dr Idat Galih Permana and the Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation, and Development, Dr Sri Suharti.

Dean of Fapet IPB University, Dr Idat Galih Permana welcomed the visit. He explained that in managing the Faculty of Animal Science, he learned from various universities and institutions. “We learn from various universities and institutions in order to improve performance and quality. Every institution has good things that we can apply,” he said.

On the same occasion, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development Dr Sri Suharti introduced that Fapet IPB University has three study programs. The study programs are Animal Production Technology, Nutrition and Feed Technology and Animal Product Technology. “The three study programs have been nationally accredited by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) with the status of ‘Good’, towards excellence and two of them have been internationally accredited by ASIIN,” she explained.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Musamus University, Ir Frederik H. Sumbung, ST, MEng expressed his appreciation for the reception from Fapet IPB University. “We learn from seniors at Fapet IPB University, hopefully it can be a sharing partner for learning, especially in the field of curriculum. Incidentally, we also have a Faculty of Agriculture and a livestock study program, I think it can be a recommendation for future collaboration,” he said.

The event continued with the presentation of the study program by the Chairman of the Department of Nutrition Science and Feed Technology (INTP), Dr. Heri Ahmad Sukria and the Chairman of the Department of Animal Production Science and Technology (IPTP), Prof. Asep Gunawan then discussion and questions and answers. (FD/ra) (IAAS/TIR)