This is the excitement of the first day of Agrianita Day 2024, there is a cooking competition made from sweet potato and papaya

This is the excitement of the first day of Agrianita Day 2024, there is a cooking competition made from sweet potato and papaya

Ini Keseruan Rangkaian Agrianita Day 2024 Hari Pertama, Ada Lomba Masak Berbahan Ubi Jalar dan Pepaya

Agrianita IPB University again held various series of activities in the framework of Agrianita Day 2024 with the theme ” Agrianita Produktif”. On the first day of Agrianita Day 2024, there were consultation activities, health checks, and free medication at the IPB University Polyclinic for IPB University residents, Dessert Creation Cookery Competition from Papaya and Sweet Potato Ingredients and Bazaar held at the IPB University Museum Field on Tuesday, 14/5. This activity was held in collaboration with the Directorate of Agromaritime Community Development (DPMA) IPB University.

In the free health check-up activity, the Chairperson of Agrianita IPB University, Retna Widayawati said, “The participants of this health check-up are great women who are well aware that maintaining personal health is important, because mothers are the guardians or the front guard of the family,” said Neno, her nickname.

She revealed that the free health checks took place from 8am to 4pm. “There are several types of health checks that can still be followed with direct registration such as breast ultrasound and pap smear for free using BPJS,” she said.

Meanwhile, in the Cookery Competition activity, the participating participants totalled 40 teams with two members in each team. Participants came from IPB University residents and the general public. “Today, Agrianita also held another special cooking competition because the participants were challenged to cook dessert with two types of raw materials, namely sweet potato and papaya,” explained the Chairperson of Agrianita IPB University.

She really appreciated the role of mothers in this cooking competition. “The winner of this cooking competition will be chosen with the most delicious and innovative food in the creation of recipe creations. Congratulations on participating in the cooking competition and thank you for participating in the Agrianita Day 2024 series of activities,” she said.

Director of the Development of Agromaritime Communities (DPMA) IPB University, Dr Handian Purwawangsa, revealed that the raw materials to be used in the cooking competition this time were grown by IPB University partner farmers in the campus circle.

“We are given the task to run a social business that involves the community as partner farmers. IPB University’s Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP) was asked to supply purple yam and orange yam and also partnered with Indomaret to supply calina papaya grown by partner farmers in Bogor, Ciamis Lampung and other areas,” said Dr Handian.

He hopes that the new menu creations from sweet potato and papaya can increase the added value of the products. “The selected winners will receive further guidance from us in terms of packaging, distribution permit, shelf life and we will include them in the menu,” he concluded.

As a series of Agrinita Day 2004, on Thursday, 16 May 2024, the Agrianita Awards will be held to award the winners of the photo competition, social media, and cooking competition. The event will also be enlivened with an art performance and bazaar. (Lp) (IAAS/RUM)