IPB Press Supports Successful Women in Their Efforts to Seek Blessings, Enhance Business

IPB Press Supports Successful Women in Their Efforts to Seek Blessings, Enhance Business

IPB Press Dukung Wanita Sukses dalam Ikhtiar Menjemput Rezeki, Memantaskan Usaha

On Monday (22/4), at the Loji Gandrung Hall in the Surakarta Mayor’s Residence, IPB Press participated in the “Tips for Successful Women” seminar and book launch event titled “Seeking Blessings, Enhancing Business Efforts”. The event featured inspirational figures sharing their stories and knowledge with the participants.

The acronym “Ikhtiar”, which stands for Integrity, Keep Collaborating, Humble, Tactful, Inspiring Others, Agile, and Respect, was the focus of discussion to dissect these values. IPB Press was involved as the publisher of this book.

Dr Siti Ma’rifah, the daughter of the Vice President of Indonesia and the first author of the Ikhtiar book, expressed her interest in the Javanese philosophy, “Urip Iku Urup”, which translates to “Life is Flame” or giving life. This philosophy is related to the spirit of Kartini, famously known for the phrase “After Darkness, Comes Light”.

“From darkness to a bright world, and how we should provide benefits. In my opinion, this Javanese philosophy is extraordinary and in line with religious teachings. The best humans are those who can benefit many people, and we hope this event will be like that,” said the Chairman of PT Askrindo Syariah Financing Guarantee in her address.

One of the speakers, Dr Antoni Ludfi Arifin, stated, “Income doesn’t just come suddenly, it needs to be pursued.” In his presentation, he also discussed the importance of values of goodness that need to be internalized.

Dr Naufal Mahfudz, Chairman of the Indonesian Business Doctor Forum, explained that this inspirational book highlights the importance of the values of “ikhtiar” substantively. According to him, these values are highly relevant to be introduced to all layers of society, especially leaders in various fields and medium, small, and micro enterprises (MSMEs).

“The implementation of these values in daily life is expected to have a significant positive impact. Especially as we commemorate Kartini Day, which emphasizes the important role of women in the progress of the nation,” said the IPB University alumnus who currently serves as the Chairman of the IPB University Leadership and Executive Education Institute.

Erick Wahyudyono, the Chairman of IPB Press, also attended the event. He stated, “As the publisher of the Ikhtiar book, we strongly support the holding of such a positive event.”

According to Erick, seminars are an excellent platform to engage directly with the community to introduce the values of “Ikhtiar”. This is because the community, especially MSMEs, are direct players who can support the advancement of Indonesia’s economy.

During the event, copies of the book “Ikhtiar Menjemput Rezeki, Memantaskan Usaha” were distributed. The distribution of this book is also an effort to provide guidance to the public containing comprehensive discussions from reliable sources. The book, written by Dr Siti Ma’rifah and Dr Antoni Ludfi Arifin, is written in an accessible language for easy understanding. In the future, various events will also be held to support the dissemination of this book.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, welcomed the organization of the seminar event, which helps empower women and mothers in Solo City. This event is the result of collaboration between IPB Press, Mey Mey Group, BPJS Kesehatan, Darma Sarana Niaga, Harvest Group, and Bank Sampoerna. Additionally, the event is supported by the Solo City Chamber of Commerce, the UAE Embassy, LULU, and the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. (IAAS/Hap)