LKST IPB University Selects 38 Startups through Business Incubation Program

LKST IPB University Selects 38 Startups through Business Incubation Program

LKST IPB University Seleksi 38 Startup Melalui Program Inkubasi Bisnis

Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University selected 38 startups from the IPB Business Incubation Program Year 2024. The selection process was held at the Startup Center Building (GSC), Campus IPB Taman Kencana on Thursday, 25/4.

In her speech, Prof Erika Budiarti Laconi as the Chairperson of LKST conveyed that IPB University through this program hopes to form and give birth to a strong and superior startup in the community. “This year as many as 38 startups passed the administration and then 25 startups will be selected to be fostered by LKST,” she continued.

“It is important for startups to have creativity and innovation for the sustainability of their business. So the selected startups will receive education, facilitation, mentoring and coaching as needed,” she explained.

She explained that the selection process includes three stages, namely administrative selection, interviews and site visits. At the interview stage, prospective tenants present their profile and business development plan, followed by a discussion in front of three reviewers for each prospective tenant.

“The substance of the assessment of prospective tenants includes character and commitment to become entrepreneurs; products and production capacity; marketing and business administration,” said Prof Erika.

Assistant of Business Incubator Division of LKST IPB University, Deva Primadia Almada conveyed that the stages of the incubation program carried out include selection, workshop for preparing action plans, training, assistance (mentoring and coaching), business matching and product expo.

“In addition to the business incubation program, in 2024 LKST IPB University in collaboration with the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) will also carry out Startup Capacity Building activities for 20 startup participants,” said Deva. (stpipb/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)