To Increase the Number and Quality of Patents, IPB University Gives Training on Writing and Drafting Patent Documents

To Increase the Number and Quality of Patents, IPB University Gives Training on Writing and Drafting Patent Documents

Tingkatkan Jumlah dan Kualitas Paten, IPB University Beri Pelatihan Penulisan dan Penyusunan Dokumen Paten

Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University trained 31 participants in writing and drafting patent document specifications at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor (28/3). This activity is in order to increase the number and quality of patents and seek protection for all research results, inventions, and innovations within IPB University.

In her speech, the Chairperson of LKST IPB University, Prof Erika B. Laconi, said that LKST IPB University was assigned to focus on protecting the patent ownership of IPB University innovators. This protection is the intellectual work of the collaboration of lecturers, students, and education staff in their research.

“Our target is to increase the number and quality of patents to enrich IPB University’s intellectual property. The amount of intellectual property at IPB University will continue to grow along with the results of a lot of research. LKST’s role here is to continue to find research funds for the progress of innovation development,” she said.

Prof Erika continued that the success and number of innovations are not only measured by the awards obtained but also by their great impact on society.

Vice Chairperson of LKST IPB University in the field of Innovation Development and Technology Transfer, Dr Tri Prartono elaborated that IPB University’s position in the realm of intellectual property is fairly strong, with 975 patents, 74 brands, 6 industrial designs, 6 protected plant varieties, and 684 copyrights.

“Of the 975 patents registered, about 30 percent, or 333 patents, have been granted,” he said.

On the other hand, in the Global Innovation Index 2023, Indonesia’s innovation index has increased significantly from 2013 to 2023, from rank 85 to rank 61.

“The government strives to ensure that the work of innovators provides maximum benefits. The quality of intellectual property determines the competitiveness of a nation,” he said.

On this occasion, Assistant for Management and Commercialization of Intellectual Property at LKST IPB University, Dr Yuni Puji Hastuti, added information related to patent searching. She explained, “Through patent searching, we can assess the novelty of an invention and determine whether it is eligible for a patent.”

Patent searching is the process of searching for prior technologies in the same or adjacent fields as prior art, as well as supporting documents and comparators in patent databases, both in the publication stage and those that have been granted patents. This process involves identifying scientific and technical information related to the proposed invention prior to the date of patent application acceptance.

Sri Sulistiyani, MSi, as the Coordinator of Legal Services and Facilitation of the Patent Appeal Commission, Directorate General of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), revealed that patent specifications must be made carefully. This is because it has become an obligation stipulated in Article 24 of Law No. 13 of 2016 concerning patents, as well as Article 3 of Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 38 of 2018 concerning patent applications.

“Writing the patent specification is important because the patent application is submitted in writing, and the patent office conducts an examination of the application specification, not only for the concrete invention concept,” she said. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)