ARM HA-IPB University: Disaster Information is as Important as Humanitarian Aid

ARM HA-IPB University: Disaster Information is as Important as Humanitarian Aid

ARM HA-IPB University: Informasi Kebencanaan Sama Pentingnya Dengan Bantuan Kemanusiaan

Journalists and media organizations are one of the main parts of the Pentahelix component in disaster management and preparedness in Indonesia. The information that journalists provide to the public is very important in order to save lives and reduce the vulnerability of people in the disaster prone and affected areas.

This assessment was expressed by the Chairman of the Independent Volunteer Action of the Alumni Association (ARM-HA) IPB University, Ir Ahmad Hussein, M.Si. during a discussion with 25 journalists from several different media at Sofyan Cut Meutia Hotel, Central Jakarta, on Friday, March 29. This media gathering event aims to strengthen the relationship between Aksi Relawan Mandiri (ARM) as a university-based humanitarian organization with the media which has been well established so far.

Husein explained, in the event of disasters and other humanitarian crises, the media takes a very important role considering that the affected population requires critical information.

“Therefore, at the global level, the term ‘Information is Aid’ is known, which refers to the role of information that helps people when facing and passing through disasters. They need information in parallel with their needs for water, medicine and decent and safe shelter,” said Ahmad Husein, Chairman of the Independent Volunteer Action of the Alumni Association (ARM-HA) IPB University.

“Through accurate and timely information, people can know what disasters will or are happening, how to avoid danger, where to find help and how to be in coordination with related parties, including the government,” said Husein, who has more than a decade of experience and work in the humanitarian world.

He also highlighted the importance of collaboration between the media, government, community, academia and the business world in an effort to provide more accurate and reliable disaster information.

“The media as part of the pentahelix of disaster management and preparedness has an important role in disseminating information to the wider community, so any information produced must be accurate, clear and easy to understand,” said Husein.

Husein revealed, Independent Volunteer Action of Alumni Association (ARM-HA) IPB University sees Generation Z (Gen-Z) has great potential to play an active role in humanitarian activities, one of which is volunteering. Generation Z can also be effective agents of change in disseminating information and mobilizing support for various humanitarian activities.

“It is important for the media, government, business world, and universities to provide space and support for Gen-Z to participate in humanitarian activities, so that they can develop empathy, care, and better social skills,” Husein explained.

The meeting was also attended by Chairman of the Alumni Association (HA) IPB University Dr Walneg S. Jas. He emphasized that the media is an important stakeholder for the Self-Relevance Action of the Alumni Association (ARM-HA). “Hopefully this meeting will be more strengthening the collaboration of ARM HA-IPB University with media colleagues in disseminating information about humanitarian and disaster activities carried out by ARM-HA IPB University. Humanitarian issues are the collective of responsibilities of all elements, including the media,” he said. (IAAS/RSL)