Let’s Explore the Uniqueness of IPB University’s Veterinary Medicine Study Program!

Let’s Explore the Uniqueness of IPB University’s Veterinary Medicine Study Program!

Yuk, Eksplorasi Keunikan Prodi Kedokteran Hewan IPB University!

The long history of human relationships with animals has given color to our lives. But behind it all, lies a big responsibility, namely maintaining the existence and welfare of fauna on this planet. School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (SKHB) IPB University is present as a pioneer of veterinary education in Indonesia.

IPB University Veterinary Medicine Study Program is an option that you should not miss! Want to know more about this favorite study program of prospective IPB University students? Let’s see the facts and uniqueness below!

Through the Veterinary Medicine Study Program, IPB University produces graduates who will not only become reliable veterinarians, but also protectors of the fauna that share the earth with us, humans.

With the achievement of national accreditation by the Indonesian Institute for Self-Accreditation of Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) and international recognition from the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN), this study program has confirmed its existence as a trendsetter in veterinary education in the country.

Holding the title of the oldest veterinary study program in Indonesia, the quality of education in IPB University’s Veterinary Medicine Study Program is unquestionable. Besides being the target of Indonesian students from various regions, this study program also attracts foreign students. Therefore, this program provides regular classes and international classes as options.

With a reputation as one of the favorite majors, graduates of IPB University’s Veterinary Medicine Study Program have an advantage in the job market competition and offer broad career opportunities in the midst of a rapidly growing industry.

Talking about the excellence of this study program, of course, is reflected in the profile of its graduates. They will not only become ordinary veterinarians, but also pioneers in the animal pharmaceutical industry. In addition, they can also have a career in research centers and diagnostic laboratories. With the knowledge gained at IPB University, they become proud heroes as they protect and improve animal welfare in Indonesia, even the world!

One of the graduates, Maharani Salsabilla, recognizes IPB University’s Veterinary Medicine Program as her place to grow. Ever since high school, his goal has been to become a veterinarian. So, without hesitation, she decided to go to IPB University.

“Indonesia needs more veterinarians, I want to contribute to our beloved country,” she says.

With a myriad of achievements and a reputation as one of the leading universities in Indonesia, IPB University is ready to lead you to a bright and successful future in the world of veterinary medicine! Viva veteriner! (IAAS/ARD)