IPB University Vocational School Holds Assistance and Education on the Legality of Circulation Permits for MSMEs around Campus

IPB University Vocational School Holds Assistance and Education on the Legality of Circulation Permits for MSMEs around Campus

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Gelar Aksi Pendampingan dan Edukasi Legalitas Izin Edar bagi UMKM Lingkar Kampus

Lecturers and Students of the Vocational School (SV) of IPB University consisting of Study Programmes (Prodi) of Food and Nutrition Services Industry Management, Agribusiness Management, Accounting and Computer Engineering Technology, held a community service action with assistance and education on the application of food safety distribution permits for more than 100 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

The action was titled “UMKM Camp: Education and Assistance for Edar Permit Legality in the Registration Process of Business Identification Number (NIB), Household Industry Products (PIRT), Food (MD) and Halal for MSMEs Assisted by SV IPB University to Improve Quality Food Products”. It was held at the Delta Building of IPB University Vocational School on 18/3.

The activity was carried out based on concerns about the prevalence of MSME products in circulation but have not registered their distribution permits, while consumers need healthy and quality food, while many MSME products meet these requirements but have not registered their distribution permits.

According to Dr Hangesti Emi Widyasari, as the head of the SV IPB University Community Service Implementation Team, the real action began with Food Safety Training in collaboration with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM) for 50 MSMEs in the campus circle.

“Now these MSMEs get certificates from the results of assistance by lecturers and students for legality registration of 60 other MSMEs in Bogor City and Regency and help compile 60 company profiles and promotional media needed by these MSMEs,” said Dr Hangesti.

She continued, student action was part of a collaborative programme with SV IPB University Lecturers, the Health Office and the POM Agency in order to fulfil student entrepreneurship course assignments.

“This programme aims to assist MSMEs in changing their behaviour for their knowledge and skills towards distribution permits and food safety so that they are more aware that distribution permit certification is needed in a product,” said Dr Hangesti.

“We realise that there are still many obstacles faced by MSMEs in making distribution permits so far, some MSMEs revealed that they experienced obstacles, namely they felt lied to in making distribution permit certification by irresponsible parties, fake certification, and they also experienced obstacles to information and knowledge in the process of making distribution permits,” she said.

The activity lasted for two months and the peak of the activity was education, discussion and consultation with speakers related to food distribution permits delivered by Jeffeta Pradeko P S.Fam., M.Si as the head of the Bogor POM Centre and Ika Karmila S.Si., Apt, representing the Bogor City Health Office.

The activity was closed by Dr Anita Ristianingrum, Vice Dean for Resources, Cooperation and Development of SV IPB University. “I thank all the elements involved in this activity and encourage MSMEs assisted by SV IPB University to continue to be creative in creating quality, healthy, safe and halal food products that are beneficial for many people,” she said.

“To help MSMEs in terms of distribution permits and food safety, we invite more students to care about MSMEs so that they can voice their concerns and rights in distribution permits and food safety,” said Dr Anita. (*/Lp) (IAAS/RUM)