LKST Socializes STP IPB University Business Incubation Program 2024

LKST Socializes STP IPB University Business Incubation Program 2024

LKST Sosialisasikan Program Inkubasi Bisnis STP IPB University 2024

IPB University through the Science and Technology Area Institute (LKST) or Science Techno Park (STP) held an online Socialization of the 2024 Business Incubation Program. The activity was attended by 75 participants from students, startups, and micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the Jabodetabek area. The activity was also attended by representatives of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) and Regional Work Units (SKPD) in the City and Regency of Bogor.

Chairperson of STP IPB University, Prof Erika B Laconi said that this business incubation activity is one of STP IPB University’s programs in carrying out its function to foster technology-based startup companies.

“The development and strengthening of startups is important so that it can deliver millennial children to become tough and sustainable entrepreneurs and benefit economically and for society,” added Prof Erika.

“This program will later foster 25 startups that can increase collaboration between IPB University innovations and startups so that the commercialization of IPB University can also increase,” she continued.

In line with this, Vice Chairperson of LKST in the field of Business Incubation and Industrial Partnerships, Prof Rokhani Hasbullah said that LKST IPB University carries out the functions as regulated by Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 106 of 2017 concerning Science and Technology Areas.

There are four functions as listed in Article 5 of the Presidential Regulation, namely technical services (training, business consulting), technology development (Intellectual Property management, innovation development, prototype, business incubation and supporting services for income generation.

He stated, “STP IPB University provides a conducive environment for research and innovation development activities and business incubation in order to develop technology-based startup companies.”

“STP IPB University is equipped with Startup Center (GSC) facilities, tenant rooms, meeting rooms, co-working spaces and ballrooms that can be utilized by startups, SMEs and the community,” he added.

An explanation of STP IPB University’s business incubation program in 2024 was delivered by the Assistant for Business Incubation of STP IPB University, Deva Primadia Almada, SPi, MSi. STP IPB University’s business incubation activities provide facilitation to innovative startups in the fields of food business, tropical agriculture, biosciences, maritime, and other supporting fields.

“This program is open to students, startups, alumni and the community. The stages of activity start from selection and recruitment of prospective tenants, training, mentoring, coaching, business matching, product expo and monitoring and evaluation,” he explained.

The Implementation Guidelines (Juklak) for the incubation program can be accessed on the page, and registration for participant registration until March 14, 2024 at the link Let’s join the STP IPB Business Incubation Program. (stpipb/Rz) (IAAS/FAE)