Towards Expedition IX, Himiteka IPB University Holds Training at Pangumbahan Beach Turtle Conservation Centre

Towards Expedition IX, Himiteka IPB University Holds Training at Pangumbahan Beach Turtle Conservation Centre

Menuju Ekspedisi IX, Himiteka IPB University Adakan Pelatihan di Balai Konservasi Penyu Pantai Pangumbahan

The Student Association of Marine Science and Technology (Himiteka) IPB University held a training at the Pangumbahan Beach Turtle Conservation Centre, Ciracap District, West Java. The event was held in order to prepare the Himiteka Expedition IX team that will conduct data collection entitled ‘Rapid Assessment of Leatherback Turtle Distribution and Analysis of Village Community-Based Conservation Opportunities in North Buru Island’ in May.

“To support Himiteka IX Expedition activities, there are many technical things that are not enough if only obtained from research results, journals, or sharing. We need training on the turtles themselves,” said Himiteka IX Expedition Coordinator Leader, Caesar Aditya, on why he initiated the turtle training in the Sukabumi region.

“And indeed the most important aspect is how we get hands-on experience in learning the characteristics and habitat of sea turtles, as well as interacting with sea turtles, even if they are not leatherback turtles,” he continued.

For two consecutive days, the Himiteka IPB University Expedition IX team carried out turtle training which included morphometric and meristic calculations, night monitoring, observation of habitat characteristics, and direct interviews with fishermen, communities, and conservation officers and enumerators of Pangumbahan Conservation Centre.

Not only about sea turtles, the Himiteka IX Expedition team also gained insight into conservation itself. Starting from the history of conservation in Pangumbahan to how public awareness was finally formed to participate in protecting sea turtles.

Regarding sea turtle conservation, Ade Hendri Yunanto, as Chief of Pangumbahan Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Centre, said he hoped the community would realise the importance of protecting sea turtles.

“Turtle conservation serves to protect the habitat of the turtle itself. There are national and even international laws and regulations,” said Ade.

According to him, the existence of sea turtles is also important as a balancer of the ecosystem.

“Don’t let the Pangumbahan area become like Teluk Penyu Beach in Cilacap. There used to be many turtles, but now they are gone,” he said.

Himiteka IX Expedition Supervisor, Muhammad Iqbal, SPi, MSi, said he was grateful that the training was well organised. Besides being useful, this training will also be a valuable learning opportunity for the Himiteka Expedition team.

“We are very grateful to the centre for being very helpful and accepting our students so that they gain a lot of knowledge directly from experts and professionals related to sea turtles,” he said. (ASM/RAT/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)