This Skill is Much Wanted by the Industry! This is What You Need to Know About Computer Science Study Program from IPB University

This Skill is Much Wanted by the Industry! This is What You Need to Know About Computer Science Study Program from IPB University

Skillnya Banyak Dicari Industri! Ini yang Perlu Kamu Tahu Tentang Prodi Ilmu Komputer IPB University

Currently, 22 of 25 skills for industry’s most searched by the industry’s capabilities are related to computer science. Therefore, it is not surprising anymore that today’s computer science is no longer an option, but a very basic need in this modern era.

Because of that, IPB University offers a Computer Science Study Program (Prodi) which is a part of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). This study program has an important mandate, namely mastery of theory, application and use of computational science in problem solving and decision making for modern agriculture in a broad sense in accordance with scientific, engineering, ethical and legal principles.

One of the advantages of Computer Science graduates from IPB University is their ability to analyze and design effective and efficient algorithms. It came from supported by state-of-the-art and advanced facilities, competency-based curriculum, Freedom of Learning program, and innovative learning strategies, Computer Science graduates are ready to face every challenge for the better future industry.

IPB University’s Computer Science has obtained superior accreditation from the Informatics and Computer Independent Accreditation Institute (LAM Infokom). Therefore, this study program focuses on developing the potential of students through international quality education.

This Computer Science study program from IPB University provides various opportunities for students to expand their experience, both nationally and internationally. Because of that, students are able to deepen their knowledge about computer science and build professional networks at the same time.

Nur Rohman, one of computer science students from IPB University, gave a unique view of his experience joining this study program at IPB University. In addition to various innovation programs from this department, he mentioned that there are communities on campus, such as AgriUX, Data Mining IPB, Mobile Apps Development, IPB Web Development, Cyber Security IPB, Game Reality and Competitive Programming that are able to accommodate students’ interest and develop their skills.

IPB University’s Computer Science study program provides comprehensive teaching on technology, from basic programming to data security and AI. “Another interesting thing for me, the alumni relationship is quite strong because I got a discussion from alumni who help prepare for post-campus life,” said Rohman as the IPB Ambassador from Batch 9.

Career prospects that are open to IPB University’s Computer Science graduates are very diverse, ranging from Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Specialist, data engineer, cybersecurity specialist, to IT project manager and IoT specialist. Students can also become researchers and pursue various other career opportunities that support the progress of this nation.

Some successful alumni from IPB University’s Department of Computer Science include Abdul Qifli Sangadji who currently serves as Co Founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of PT Jojonomics, Kaspar Situmorang as Executive Vice President of Digital Banking Development and Operation BRI, and Sicily as Wealth Business Head of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. (Rani/Rz) (IAAS/IAN)