Graduates are in high demand! This is the career prospect of IPB University’s Economics Study Program

Graduates are in high demand! This is the career prospect of IPB University’s Economics Study Program

Lulusannya Banyak Dicari! Ini Prospek Karier Prodi Ekonomi Pembangunan IPB University

In addition to having various branches of science and technology, IPB University also provides a choice of economic and humanities (soshum) clumps. One of the undergraduate study programs (S1) that you can choose in this group is the Economics Study Program.

Economics is an economic instrument that becomes an accelerator for the development of a country. At IPB University, the Economics Study Program is managed under the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM).

IPB University’s Economics Study Program prepares its graduates to become future leaders in guiding the process of sustainable economic development. Students are taught various important aspects of development, including industry, banking, finance, business to aspects of improving people’s welfare in general.

“The skills that can be obtained in this study program include policy analysis, economic research and the ability to process data,” said Ali Akbar Ritogan, one of the students of IPB University’s Economics Study Program.

The gold medalist in economics at the National Science Championship (KSN) also said, “Usually graduates of this program are often sought after by government agencies, financial institutions, and the private sector to contribute in designing economic policies, development planning and market analysis.”

According to Ali, IPB University’s Economics Program gave him a deep understanding of the global and local economy. This can be an added value in various fields, such as banking, consultancy and international business. Expertise in econometrics and data analysis can also open career opportunities for positions in economic research and analysis.

“This program typically includes an in-depth understanding of economic theory, development policy, economic data analysis, and management skills. Students will study factors that affect economic growth, income distribution and economic development strategies,” he said.

Currently, IPB University’s Economics Program is nationally accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Graduates are expected to have high quality and competence so that they have wider and more promising career opportunities.

Armed with the ability to master the concepts, theories and methods of macro and micro economic analysis, graduates of IPB University’s Economics Study Program can pursue careers as analysts in government agencies, financial institutions and private companies.

Graduates can also become lecturers and researchers. Not only that, they also have the opportunity to open jobs as entrepreneurs or as consultants. (Samsul/Rz) (IAAS/HLF)