Want to be the Queen of Science? IPB University Mathematics Study Program is The Right Choice

Want to be the Queen of Science? IPB University Mathematics Study Program is The Right Choice

Mau Jadi Ahlinya Ratu Ilmu Pengetahuan? Prodi Matematika IPB University Pilihan Tepat

Mathematics is something that most people often avoid. Learning mathematics is often considered useless because it is only limited to numbers, formulas and calculations. In fact, mathematics is the queen of science which functions as a foundation for other sciences.

“We actually always apply mathematics in everyday life, for example when calculating the price of goods or discounts. “I studied further application of mathematics in the IPB University Mathematics Undergraduate (S1) Study Program,” said Wirayudha Erlangga Prayoga, one of the IPB University Mathematics Study Program students.

Wira also said that during his lectures at the IPB University Mathematics Study Program, he not only studied formulas, but also their implementation in everyday life.

“For example, how to measure, analyze and process data in a company,” added the IPB University Batch IX Ambassador.

The study program at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University has been established since 1983. Currently, the IPB University Mathematics Study Program has been accredited ‘Excellent’ from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences (Lamsama).

Wira said, this study program has four specialization areas, namely pure mathematics, operations research, mathematical modeling and computing which are based on market needs for the competence of mathematicians needed by industry.

This helps students learn the wider application of mathematics through analysis and the use of software to integrate formulas into a system so that it can be implemented in various fields.

Courses in the IPB University Mathematics Study Program are also structured to equip students to master knowledge, concepts and methodology in the field of mathematics. Students will be trained to have strong critical thinking and problem solving so that they are able to solve mathematical problems from a system that can be applied in everyday life.

Learning in the Mathematics Study Program, which consists of lectures and response activities, also provides a space for students to learn, practice and discuss mathematics in more depth.

IPB University’s Mathematics Study Program also provides opportunities for students to study mathematics abroad through collaboration with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

This flagship program from the IPB University Mathematics Study Program provides full scholarships for students to study at various universities in Europe for three weeks.

The program, which has been running since 2019, shows that the Mathematics Study Program provides full support to its students to explore knowledge and abilities in the field of mathematics.

Mathematical knowledge that is applicable in various fields provides broad career opportunities for IPB University Mathematics Study Program undergraduates. Graduates who are known as mathematicians can work as lecturers, data analysts, data scientists, or data analysts.

Generally, IPB University Mathematics Study Program graduates are active in the fields of industry, health, information technology, insurance, finance, banking, education and research. (Dita/Rz) (IAAS/ASD)