Closer to the IPB Sukabumi Campus, What Study Programs Are There?

Closer to the IPB Sukabumi Campus, What Study Programs Are There?

Lebih Dekat dengan Kampus IPB Sukabumi, Ada Program Studi Apa Saja?

So far, many people may think that the IPB University campus is only in Bogor. Are you one of them? In fact, since 2016, IPB University has opened a Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) located in Sukabumi City, West Java.

IPB Sukabumi Campus was established with the aim of improving the quality of human resources (HR) in West Java, especially the Gross Participation Rate of Higher Education (APK-PT). One of the reasons for the establishment of the IPB Sukabumi Campus is because the area nicknamed Moci City has a lot of potential, including tourism, fisheries, agriculture, and animal husbandry. This potential will facilitate student practicum activities.

There are five Applied Bachelor study programs (D4) offered by IPB Sukabumi Campus, namely Digital and Media Communication, Ecotourism, Fish Hatchery Technology and Management, Livestock Technology and Management, and Agribusiness Management. Let’s find out the career prospects and skills possessed by graduates of these study programs at IPB Sukabumi Campus.

Digital and Media Communication Study Program
The curriculum of this study program is designed for students to become professionals in the field of digital communication and media. Graduates of this study program are also expected to become content designers in the field of digital and media communication, consultants in the field of digital and media communication, and techno-socio preneurs in the field of digital and media communication.

Ecotourism Study Program
If you become a student of this study program, you will learn how to design and manage tourist areas in accordance with the packages offered in accordance with the principles of ecotourism. Also, learn how to manage, create business opportunities, and design ecotourism areas based on ecotourism principles.

Fish Hatchery Technology and Management Study Program
Graduates are expected to be able to act as managers or business actors of fish hatcheries by applying business principles, being able and ready to adapt to technological advances, and providing input related to the technicalities of the fish hatchery business.

Livestock Technology and Management Program
Graduates of this program will be able to fill middle- and upper-management positions in the livestock sector or industry. In addition, graduates of this study program are expected to be able to become entrepreneurs in the livestock sector.

Agribusiness Management Study Program
This study program is suitable for those of you who have the desire to become entrepreneurs in the field of agribusiness, who are experts and able to analyze opportunities, formulate business ideas, and develop and manage new businesses in the agribusiness sector. Graduates of this study program can also become managers of agribusiness companies.

The five study programs at IPB Sukabumi Campus are also supported by adequate facilities, especially for practicum needs. These facilities include modern chicken coops (closed houses), cattle pens (quail, ducks, sheep, and cattle), greenhouses, fish ponds, tissue culture laboratories, hatchery labs, microbiology laboratories, computer laboratories, and photography laboratories.

How do I study at the IPB Sukabumi Campus? You can register through various entry points at IPB University, namely National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), Regional Envoy Scholarship (BUD), Student Council Chair, International and National Achievement (PIN), and IPB Self Selection (SM-IPB). (MHT/Rz) (IAAS/Aly)