SPs IPB University Gelar FGD Postgraduate Micro-Credentials on Food Security and Climate Change

SPs IPB University Gelar FGD Postgraduate Micro-Credentials on Food Security and Climate Change

SPs IPB University Gelar FGD Postgraduate Micro-Credentials on Food Security and Climate Change

Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and Key Informant Interview Process for Postgraduate Micro-Credentials (PMC) on Food Security and Climate Change (FSCC) activities at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor on 24/2.

PMC-FSCC is a consortium of universities in Southeast Asia for postgraduate education in agriculture and natural resources with permanent members namely Kasertsart University (Thailand), IPB University, Gadjah Mada University, Brawijaya University, University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), University of The Philippines Los Banos (Philippines), associate members namely Tokyo University of Agriculture (Japan), National Taiwan University (Taiwan) and affiliate members namely University of British Columbia (Canada) and University of Gottingen (Germany).

Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations of IPB University in his speech expressed his gratitude for the presence of speakers in the FGD activities this time. He hoped that the results of the discussion could provide input into the development of PMC-FSCC, especially at IPB University which would later be integrated with countries in Southeast Asia and Europe.

“PMC-FSCC is a follow-up to the previous kick off meeting and in the future it will be increasingly important to be associated with long-life learning. So that academics, industry, government and also students can convey the importance of this program,” he said.

Meanwhile, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat, Dean of SPs IPB University said that the PMC-FSCC theme discussed this time was very broad, so the invited experts were from various circles to listen to their views and input on PMC-FSCC.

“This PMC-FSCC activity can be attended by non-students and students from IPB University who will later get a certificate with a total of 15 credits,” he said.

Prof Dodik added that in the future he wanted to improve and complete what courses were in PMC-FSCC so that for non-students if one day they wanted to continue their studies as students at SPs IPB University, the credit value of the course could be converted through Recognition of Past Learning (RPL).

“As for students, they can take elective courses which of course will take the course credit that has been taken and PMC-FSCC does not have to be taken at IPB University, but can also be taken through other universities that have partners with IPB University,” he added. (HBL/Lp) (IAAS/NAU)